Please share with comments : THE veterinarian REFUSES to give the - TopicsExpress


Please share with comments : THE veterinarian REFUSES to give the 50 dogs he WANTS TO KILL ( because he gets paid ) to the NGO In Barlad...although there is room for them...the VETERINARIAN WANT TO KILL THE DOGS TOMORROW>...( emails in the info of the photo ) SHARE MASSIVELY, please so the world knows the DOG KILLER FROM BARLAD....PLEASE write them...ask them to STOP the massacre QUOTE : Claudiu Enas Maine dimineata “doctorul” veterinar Bejan impreuna cu “dr” veterinar Mihai Boghiu vor incepe eutanasierea a 50 de catei…Doamna Lucia i-a solicitat acestuia ca vrea sa-I adopte dar acesta s-a opus cu vehementa…el doreste neaparat EUTANASIEREA lor pentru ca primeste bani …Tarcurile private ale doamnei Lucia stau goale, pana in prezent asociatia a transferat peste 160 de caini si inca mai este loc… CRIMINALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tomorrow morning “the vet” Bejan with the “vet” Mihai Boghiu will start killing 50 dogs...Lucia said to him that she wants to adopt all of them but he said NO….because he gets money if he kills them…the private shelter has room for them, until now Help Azorel has transferred more than 160 dogs and there is still space…KILLERS https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=769186203092452&set=a.204544902889921.56657.204542339556844&type=1&theater
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 18:06:27 +0000

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