Please take a few moments to sign this important petition to - TopicsExpress


Please take a few moments to sign this important petition to #Freethefour Here is part of the touching letter from their mother, Alanoud Alfayez. Years have gone by, and my four daughters, Sahar, Maha, Hala, & Jawaher are still held against their will, confined in heavily guarded villas, suffering psychological and physical abuse. with no hope for salvation. Theyve been held captive in Saudi Arabia for more than 12 years by their father King Abdullah and their half-brothers Minister of the Saudi National Guard Mitab and Deputy Foreign Minister AbdulAziz, while all their half-sisters and half- brothers enjoy their rights and unfettered freedom. The anguish of a mother having to hear her own children suffering in agony day after day, without being able to be with them nor ease their suffering is far too great to bear. What crimes have my daughters committed to deserve torture and abuse? Does anyone deserve to live under such horrid circumstances? They have been robbed of their right to study, to work, to start a family, to travel and visit me. They have been deliberately denied medical attention; and the opportunity-- provided to all the Kings sons and daughters-- to seek medical help anywhere in the world in any medical center they choose. They have been abused and tortured, and placed under 24/7 surveillance. Why are their half-sisters and female cousins allowed the freedom to lead their lives as they please without constraint, while many have chosen to reside in the West, without facing so much as an outcry from the family? Why are my daughters being discriminated against? Is it because they have no full brother to fend for them in a patriarchal society that is often described as misogynist. My daughters seek their dignity, freedom and human rights, and that of all women in their country.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:29:47 +0000

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