Please take a moment to read! Where do you see yourself a year - TopicsExpress


Please take a moment to read! Where do you see yourself a year from now? Are you sick of working and barely making ends meet? Always away from the ones you love from sun up to sun down? Need some extra money? Tired of robbing Peter to pay Paul? Want to take a vacation youve always dreamed of? How would you feel about an opportunity to stay home with your babies and make enough money to pay off credit cards, school loans, and be there to watch your kids grow up instead of having someone else raising them? What would you say to a job that would pay you $20,000 and more in bonuses and a commission every month? Well, I want to tell you about this amazing company that has a desire to help you with financial freedom, pay off your mortgage, take that dream vacation and spend quality time with your family! What if I told you, you can join our team for as little as $99 today and you will get a box of wraps that retail for $99 and you can earn a $500 bonus in your first 60 days and thousands within a year! Are you gonna still sit there and watch me make this money or are you gonna take a leap of faith and run with me to get it? No, I didnt believe in network marketing! I thought is was nothing more than a scam, a hoax, and someone trying to take more of my time! However I have learned this weekend that our company honestly cares about their distributors! They want to see us succeed and to celebrate with us for the success that we strive for! Our upline, sideline and down line are nothing more than one BIG FAMILY and we are definitely one team with one mission! We are all here to help the success of each other! So you dont think you are a salesperson? You dont have the extra time? Well, let me just say... WE are not sales people!! We simply offer something special to people and they can grab it or leave it be! If they grab it, they do all the work themselves by signing up from your website and you will make a residual income off of them. We never sign up because we dont have time, heck you just got to make time! Our company is more than fun, friendships, an freedom! Its tremendously different from any other company out there! Why? Our company cares about us and our success! This weekend our company announced several miraculous events taking place from now until March 31, 2015! 1. Anyone thats signs up between now and March 31st, hits RUBY in their first 60 days will receive a $500 bonus on top of commissions! 2. Our GOOD (Get Out Of Debt) bonuses have doubled! 20k, 30k, 50k, 100k and 150k! BOOM!! Who does that? 3. Amazing new product coming March 5, 2015... ENERGY!... which is an all natural energy drink! 4. We have new training that can take you from Distributor to BLack Diamond (100,000 each month) in NO TIME! 5. We have a new mobile app which is very incredible! This means they are setting us up for success and its simply at our finger tips!!! So just think of how you can change lives with It Works and how much your own life will change! So think about it, let all this information sink in a second! WOW!!! There is no need to over think it or even be remotely scared of the opportunity! Simply believe in yourself, have faith that God is opening up doors that no man can close, rest assured that you have an outstanding support team waiting for you to sign up for success! Now, the only thing that is keeping you from a brighter future is that you are not SIGNED UP yet! Remember, you are not going to be stuck if you try it and decide you dont love it! Simply take it one month at a time, but give it a year and you will be totally astonished! I am ready to see you earn that $500 bonus and even your $20,000 bonus!! We will get you started and help you succeed!!! Gonna take a second to thank my family for your support! It Works for changing my life and my future! Also for giving me the ability to make new bonded friendships, reunite with old friends, and for providing an opportunity to better myself and giving me the dignity to realize that I can do this!! I love this company and all of the people I have become close to within my team! We are more, we are FAMILY! So stop sitting there reading, if you are ready for this amazing journey, take the stand today, grab the opportunity by the horns, hold on for dear life, and ride it like the wind! I see a great future for you and your loved ones! Lets get you signed in with your new added family!!!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 03:01:17 +0000

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