Please watch the video below before reading this entire - TopicsExpress


Please watch the video below before reading this entire post. Im going to try to keep this brief (as I could probably write an entire dissertation on this guys video) and just touch a couple of points. He basically discredits himself in the first 30 seconds. The moment someone says evolution is just a theory, they have just invalidated any argument they hope to make by proving they have no knowledge of the subject which theyre trying to debate. Unfortunately, the commonly accepted definition of the word theory does not coincide with scientific theories such as the theory of evolution. A scientific theory is not some radical idea someone cooked up one day and said I believe this to be true without presenting any evidence to prove why. A scientific theory is generally regarded as FACT. The debate is already over once it becomes a scientific theory. A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method, and repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. This guy is dead wrong when he says the theory of evolution hasnt been observed. It has been, and is well documented in both the short term present and long term historical aspects. It has passed the tests of the scientific method with flying colors. For example, evolution is the reason we have a new flu shot every year to combat the new strains of the influenza virus that have evolved. Evolution is the reason we have antibiotic-resistant bacteria popping up all over the world. It has evolved into a different strain to survive against the antibiotics we have been using to kill it. This happens not at once, but gradually. Not by choice, but by chance. Over the past several decades as weve prescribed antibiotics, it kills most of the bad bacteria its intended to target, but not all of it. A few manage to survive due to their own genetic variations that make them less susceptible to the antibiotics that kill their counterparts. These bacteria then reproduce, passing on their genetic makeup with that same resistance to future generations. Over time, with this process continually repeated, you see a new species emerge, through a form of evolution. I find ignorance and an inability to grasp the basic concept tends to be the prevailing reason why someone attempts to deny evolution. The other point Im going to touch on is his statement about the way the world works like a clock and has order. He implies this is impossible without the influence of a god who made it this way. However, we observe this on a daily basis on our own planet, in our solar system, and in the universe that surrounds us, using our current understanding of the laws of physics and the theory (theres that word again) of relativity. Furthermore, the order that he speaks of is perceived and temporary. Chaos is still all around us; the tsunamis that rush inland, sweeping away entire towns and killing tens of thousands; tornadoes that tear through communities, killing hundreds and altering the lives of those who survive forever. Where is this perceived order in these natural disasters? Wheres the order in the thousands of children that die across the globe from starvation and disease? Chaos is present in the atrocities that humans inflict upon our fellow man every day in the form of rape (which the bible does not forbid), murder (which the bible both forbids and condones), and slavery (which the bible condones) which is still very prevalent in other parts of the world in many different forms. Slavery was only outlawed in our country due to our own increased morality, and an incredible amount of human life was lost in the fight that ensued over it. Im going to cut myself off because I feel Im beginning to ramble, so let me close by saying this. Its easy to sit back and say, God did it. Its hard to step out of the box and take a critical look at this world and ask the hard questions. Its easy to say, Order can never come from chaos. Its hard to ask, Can order come from chaos, and if so, how? Its hard to ask that question and explore the possibilities. If you open your mind to the immense breadth of scientific knowledge we possess, its not hard to see how order can come from chaos. You might come to realize were not here by accident, but by chance. You might even discover who you really are, instead of what youve been told. P.S. - So much for being brief.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:30:58 +0000

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