Pleasure👄Pain💔Fortune💰 (Part Thirty-Five) 👉Recap- - TopicsExpress


Pleasure👄Pain💔Fortune💰 (Part Thirty-Five) 👉Recap- Jacob finally told you what happened that night between him and Breaunna. You two argued. Jacob would not tell you whats going through his mind. You slept on the couch because you thought Jacob needed space.👈 ☀⛅THE NEXT DAY(3:21 p.m)⛅☀ The clock switched from 3:20 to 3:21 in the afternoon. Jacob was at home with the kids while you was at the studio. You have been gone since nine oclock this morning. Jacob didnt even know you left until the kids told him. Alexander, Arnmonie and Jasper have been erking Jacob nerves all morning. Alexander: LET GO OF MY HAIR.!! Jasper: NO *pulls his hair again* Alexander: OW *hits her* Jasper: You cant hit me im a girl Alexander: We dont know all the facts yet Jasper: *gasps and punches him* Alexander: OW YOU BI -stops- Jasper: Say it you little punk Alexander: *gives her a dirty look* Alexander pushes Jasper and she falls on the floor. He then grabbed a pillow and started hitting her with it. She covered herself trying to block his hits. Just then Jasper had managed to grab the pillow. After she grabbed it Alexander got on top of her and they started fighting. Mean while Arnmonie was crying her eyes out. She got stuck in the closet downstairs. Jacob had no idea where she was so he was looking all through the house for her. Jacob: Arnmonie.!! Arnmonie: *crying* Jacob: Where the hell is she.? At first Arnmonie and Jacob was playing a little game of hide and go seek. He did it to keep her from crying because she didnt have her blankie or teddy bear. Her teddy bear was no where to be found and her blankie was in just put into the washing machine. So he played two rounds of hide and go seek to keep her occupied. On the third round of this game Arnmonie crawled her way down the stairs and went into the closet with the coats in. She closed the door not realizing how dark it was gonna be. She banged on the door instead of reaching up and twisting the knob to open the door. Arnmonie has been in there for five minutes now and she is going crazy. Jacob: Princess where are you.? Arnmonie: *banging on the door* Jacob: Okay I checked under all the beds. I even looked in all the- THE OVEN.! She probably crawled into the oven. No why the hell would she be in there.? Ummm she could be in the coat closest...Yeah illegal check there..then ill check the oven Jacob left the bathroom upstairs and headed downstairs. The sound of Arnmonies crying got louder and louder just like Alexander and Jasper got louder and louder. Once Jacob reached the last step he went into the living room to see Jasper on top of Alexander. She was pulling his hair and hitting him while he was laying on the floor pulling her hair and hitting her back. Jacob: Would you two stop it already Jasper: *hitting Alexander* Dad Alexander: *hitting her back* Stay out of this Jacob shook his head and then he heard Arnmonie scream Daddy. He left the living room and headed to the coat closet that was right by the stairs. He put his ear up to the door and heard her scream once more. He placed his hand on the door knob and twisted it until he heard a little clicking sound. Once the door opened he saw Arnmonie sitting on the floor. Her eyes was blood shot red and her face was covered in tears. Jacob: *sighs in relief* There you are. How did you get in here.? Arnmonie: *crying and opens arms* Jacob: Come on Arnmonie gets up off the floor and runs into Jacobs arms. He picked her up and listened as she started to sniffle. He went back into the living room. He put Arnmonie down and went over to Alexander and Jasper. He grabbed Alexander by his shirt and pulled him off of Jasper. Jacob: Would you two stop it.!! Alexander: She started it Jasper: Shut up Alexander: You shut up Jacob: Both of you shut it up Alexander&Jasper: *gets quiet* Jacob: Now Alexander you stay down here and Jasper you go upstairs Jasper&Alexander: -gco- Jacob: NOW.!! Jasper leaves the living room and goes upstairs. Alexander gets on the couch and turns on the tv. Jacob leaves the living room picks up Arnmonie. He then takes her upstairs and goes into her room. He walks back and fourth around the room with her trying to make her fall asleep. 🎧🎼WITH YOU🎧🎼 You was at the studio with Avery, Alex and Miyah. Yall was focusing on the music that was going to be on yall new album. So far yall are working on a song with Chris Brown and another song with August Alsina. Miyah: So we have August, Drake, Chris, Trey...we got so many people to do a song with. Alex: Its a lot of boys Avery: Awww we get to do one with our babies You: *laughs* We also get to do one with Jhene Akio and I think Rhianna Miyah: They all want to do a song with us You: We should like collab with two people and two of us can sing with them. Avery: Like two duets in one song.? You: *nods* Exactly Alex: I like that. Thats a good idea You: -gco- Before you could say a word your phone started ringing. You looked at the caller ID to see that Jacob was calling (It said Bookie). Ill be back you told the girls while getting up and leaving the studio room. You went into the hall and answered your phone. Before you could say Hey baby Jacob spoke. 📱Phone Conversation📱 Jacob: Are you mad at me.? You: Why would I be mad at you.? Jacob: Because of what happened last night plus I didnt get a good bye kiss this morning before you left You: I didnt want to wake you baby im sorry Jacob: Its okay *fake sniffles* My heart will heal You: *laughs* Jacob: I miss you baby You: Awww I miss you too Jacob: When will you be home.? You: I should be there before or after seven Jacob: Ill have dinner finished before then. I dont want you to come home and not have anything to eat You: Awww bookie Jacob: *chuckles* I guess ill see your beautiful face when you get home You: *blushes* Jacob: *smiles* I love you You: *smiling* I love you too 📱End of phone conversation📱 After you said those words you hung up the phone and put it back into your pocket. You went back inside the studio room and got caught up on what the girls was talking about. You couldnt wait to get home and Jacob couldnt wait either. You two thought that time would go fast but it went slow as ever. When the clock finally hit 6:45 you and the girls left the studio and headed home. To be continued.... Comment thoughts and like.! -Peace&Love
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 23:33:05 +0000

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