Poem Without A Title by Klaus J. Gerken Canto XV - TopicsExpress


Poem Without A Title by Klaus J. Gerken Canto XV the quest is endless even after death the atoms and particles redistribute to gather new direction where they end up no one will know some might even escape the gravity of the planet and wander through hostile space seeding other planets everything is alive constantly eternally no god no goddess no superior being subatomic particles rule the space time continuum life is a matter of conception and the universe is a womb the galaxies the sperm impregnating a black hole to birth another universe we just happen to be the transmitters of learning to a higher network growing constantly beyond an evolution we can never fathom since we are already part of it we are inside what created us part of what created us so therefore somehow we even created ourselves we create gods to inspire us or give us courage or an excuse for a cause however sinister it might be gods are a convenient way to absolve us of our transgressions thou shalt not kill but wars ok doesnt quite sound rational but religions never rational damn this lotus eaters swine herd enslavement one doesnt come out of it the same down on ones knees does one pray for deliverance or submit either way one faces life head on even though it slams you to the floor time and time again beaten you get up defeated you are just a hollow corpse straw men wet behind the ears with no knowledge why the coming years are less bountiful than others a messenger will always come to deliver the voice of reason not always specified is the harlots game male female doesnt matter not gender specific check wall street in the mirror or leaders on the stage a trippy head for sure Sieg sieg sieg lord lord lord whoreship whatever saviour is on the plate salome doesnt much care either way the kiss will be a given betrayal of the heart et tu brute 30 pieces of silver doesnt cut much cake when youre the servant who carries out through loyalty what you have been told to do scapegoat i think they him whistle blower even politics is one illusion religion just another and everybody has to serve somebody does not abnegate responsibility it enhances it hook line and sinker or a net of many fishes what cloak can compare to that the exiled minorities the artistic superiorities the drugged out addict in an alley the lost wings of a soul as the leper in a cave far into a dissolution rather dream than hate society does not deal well with the outcast and lets religion handle them societys lowest common denominator does not recognize bottom yet worships top no matter how shallow sometimes i wonder where reasoning begins the voice of disaster looms hollow trumpet echoing off mountains through the open fertile valley hoards of demons descend like black flying angels with spears of flame killing everyone indiscriminately no one survives the onslaught we have become too complacent for years we have fed the beast and the beast is now upon us what has mankind wrought believing in archaic gods but an archaic life that is no better than a cockroach savaging no art no science no philosophy but that of hate you cannot challenge them you cannot win against a monster so grotesque your alter-ego has created we are punishing ourselves nothing more nothing less the duality we live a duality we cannot rid ourselves of we struggle with it day and night and we create it in our terrible reality self indulgence is the monster grab all and then control distribute money not for survival but money for indulgence to put the trivial over the good of humanity we hoard while others starve we rape and plunder we rejoice at the devastation then at the rebuilding which always profits the victor consign them to the plastic hell they created war without consequence peripheral to the upkeep of a swimming pool at home two car garage and PTSDs...seems to only be a western soldiers disease...never hear it from the defeated lump it and rebuild of course the victor goes to heaven in god we trust and all of that kjg 4 - 5 September 2014
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 20:06:09 +0000

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