#Poetry #Love #ArtsieladiePoetry Heart And Mind To Host - TopicsExpress


#Poetry #Love #ArtsieladiePoetry Heart And Mind To Host Unkind It seems Im at an impasse. I am out of syncs. Heart is feeling one way; mind, it different, thinks. I am just the host, though unfortunate its become, To hang around this chaos, better to be numb. Heart is open, warm, showing willingness to hold A nurturing environment, and so the mind gets told, Be accepting, allow a persons trodding, although with heavy foot, Dont dismiss too lightly without trying first, to put Into play, the gears in full steam locomotion To understand in depth before dismissing all devotion. Mind speaks clearly, remembering past battles lost And then reminds heart all that it has cost. Mind rattles on, drawing from knowledge it has gained, Knowing hearts intent shall not likely be restrained. But mind, not so easily swayed or even daunted, Stands its ground stubbornly, defying all thats wanted. So it goes, back and forth betwixt them every day, The two wake up arguing with the host left in dismay, The relentless monotony when bickerings never done, The repetition exhausting with a winner neither one. But still the two in opposition, plunder causing woe, Too preoccupied to notice or even care to know, The havoc their host must unwillingly endure All the while praying for an end or some cure!!! However, in the background after full disclosure, There is found a reason for the loss of host composure. The catalyst, the cause, of continual aggravation Is the very same as the initial instigation. So the host begins to shout, screaming for attention, Amplifying the need to explain the reason for dissension. But the dispute has escalated, forged a new divide, Heart and mind now bitter, refusing to abide. Heart and mind so captivated by their mission each Become instead unwittingly a vampiristic leech. Depleted of its strength, the host then slowly fades And by and by are drawn the last and final shades. Heart and mind as well crumble in the wake, And so, are never given a chance to even make Amends or an apology to their kind and gentle host. The saddest thing of all, the cause is left to boast. ~ Artsieladie/ Artsieladie Donnelly/ Sharon Donnelly/ Love ©2010-04-04 17:02:12 (EST)
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:44:37 +0000

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