Pohnpei Students Join Growing Chorus Of Support For Shark - TopicsExpress


Pohnpei Students Join Growing Chorus Of Support For Shark Protections In FSM POHNPEI, FSM (Marianas Variety, June 13, 2014) — On May 26, 2014 dozens of student members of the Youth Environment Ambassador Club from Nanpei Memorial High School and Madolenihmw High School arrived at the National Congress in Pohnpei to demonstrate their strong support for shark protections in the Federated States of Micronesia. The students’ presence coincided with a Resources and Development Committee hearing on pending legislation to create a shark sanctuary in FSM’s exclusive economic zone. They join more than 8,300 Micronesian students who have signed a petition in support of an FSM shark sanctuary. The student signers come from all four states of FSM, Palau, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and Guam. Their support comes in the wake of Chuuk’s recent passage of its shark protection law — making it the fourth and final state in FSM to protect sharks in state waters. It also follows a recent resolution by Pohnpei’s traditional leaders who called on the Congress to pass legislation for the creation of a shark sanctuary in FSM’s national waters. “I’m so pleased to see Micronesia’s next generation standing up for shark protection in FSM,” said Willy Kostka, executive director of the Micronesia Conservation Trust. “Healthy oceans need sharks, and the creation of a shark sanctuary will ensure that our future generations will reap the environmental and economic benefits of shark protections.” FSM committed to a regional shark sanctuary at the Micronesia Chief Executive Summit or MCES in 2011. The resolution, which was signed by President Manny Mori in 2011, was reconfirmed at the 2013 meeting. Since the agreement was signed, all the MCES members have passed shark protection laws and the FSM will be considering its own shark protection bill in its regular session in September or in an earlier special session. In a letter to FSM Resources and Development Chairman David Panuelo, Tony deBrum, minister of foreign affairs for the Republic of the Marshall Islands said that RMI remains steadfast in its commitment to the protection of sharks. “The government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands looks forward to working cooperatively and collaboratively with the FSM national and state governments in the enforcement of our respective shark protection laws,” wrote deBrum. The Association of Pacific Island Legislatures also passed a resolution in 2013 calling for a Pacific islands regional shark sanctuary, further demonstrating the widespread support across Micronesia for a shark sanctuary. “I am eagerly awaiting FSM’s creation of a shark sanctuary, joining with Guam and the rest of Micronesia,” said Vice Speaker BJ Cruz of Guam who sponsored Guam’s shark protection law. “Students in Guam were an integral part of the passage of our shark protection legislation, and I am delighted to see them standing up for a shark sanctuary in FSM as well.” “The passage of FSM’s shark sanctuary law would put Pacific islands on the global stage as conservation leaders and maintain our oceans for future generations,” said Carlotta Leon Guerrero, senior advisor to The Pew Charitable Trusts’ global shark conservation campaign.
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 08:42:41 +0000

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