Points to ponder methinks, cough cough.... No point wallowing - TopicsExpress


Points to ponder methinks, cough cough.... No point wallowing about the past, but it is a terrific all encompassing luxury, no more digressing now. Funny when you look back at the anxiety that certain situations demanded and realise it really wasnt worth it. Anxiety that society wanted as a token of acceptance, ooh overtly dramatic words but for someone somewhere it does make sense. People are at times incomprehensible twats and its a global phenomenon, but maybe you might seem like a twat for someone else, so all you can do is sit back and enjoy the tedium of social niceties. What scares you, is it the thought of being a pariah in a sea of sheep or is it just a case of a sheep who thinks its a wolf, either way its not set in stone what path you choose, what life you lead or what defines you. A lifetime is a timeframe that everyone gets, no more no less, and a few have transcended that but anomalies are everywhere so thats nothing new. 1/3 of a lifetime to try figuring things out seems legit, but why would you side with a school of thought that merely quantifies experiences. Its never a competition, just individual notions of vanity, and its a good thing for some, and it gets confusing whether it ever stops, some call it a drive or a hunger but what if its all misguided, or frail attempts at making sense of it all. Sometimes the mind plays tricks, since thought are never restrained you grow aloof of it all not realising the folly that follows, but again for some that actually might not really be that big of a deal. Sometimes its harder than imagined to shed these superficial shackles, and just maybe realisation might be the first step. A mere post is not liberating nor a blog or two, its seems more like a subtle snippet aimed at validation methinks but thats not the point,what the point was, I forgot, maybe its an arduous ordeal that i feel like subjecting the reader to or maybe its my way of saying Its been a while since anything made sense anymore, but nothing ever rarely does. So dear reader, if any, comments much appreciated as all i aim for is a dialogue.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 05:54:26 +0000

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