Pokémon Adventures Orange: Chapter 14: Captured - TopicsExpress


Pokémon Adventures Orange: Chapter 14: Captured Oak! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A faint light illuminated the dark stone floor, which only beamed upwards to reveal part of a large, oak desk. Verince, his Gengar, Grace and her Dusclops knelt on their hands and knees on the floor, tears streaming down the humans faces. “ We’re… We’re sorry sir! “ Verince pleaded, bowing his head down towards the floor. Grace looked up at the shadowy figure, her mascara bleeding from her eyes on to her pale cheeks. “ Lord Zephyr… We’re sorry… We.. We didn’t know there were going to be more trainers! We thought it was just going to be the boy with the Electabuzz and the boy with the Eevee!” Grace rested her hands in her laps lightly as she cried out to “ Lord Zephyr. “ He clasped his hands together, and allowed them to sit upon the polished, wooden surface. His voice was very deep, and starchy. It had a demonic tone to it, much like those that you would hear from paranormal recording tapes. “ Did I give you permission to speak my name…? “ Grace and Verince’s face was filled with nothing but complete horror. “ Sir.. I’m sorry! I didn’-” She was cut off by the looming glare of Zephyr’s partner, Darkrai. The Lord’s hellish voice seeped over the silence once more. “ Rid of them. “ Both of the humans and their respective partner Pokémon looked on in fear, slowly crawling back to the entrance door. As they made their feeble escape, Darkrai raised it’s arm, all four of the beings on the floor, ( Verince, Grace, Gengar, and Dusclops ) were immediately sliced in half. A blue aura surrounded their bisected bodies to keep the blood from splattering onto the floor. As the lord rotated in his chair, a slim.. evil grin spread across his thin lips, watching through the large glass windows of his office over a luminous, ravishing city. “ Get it! “ Flame yelled as he jumped from branch to branch. Electabuzz ran on the path below him, keeping up with his trainer the best he could. The wild Mankey they happened to be chasing was giving them a run for their money. They’d been chasing it since recuperating from their injuries they sustained from the Lavender Town incident. “ Ele, ele! “ the ever so famous phrase that rang from Electabuzz’s mouth whenever he was excited. Flame made one, large zealous leap towards the shifty Mankey, only to fall straight to the ground below; On his face. “ Ooouucchh! “ Flame squealed, reaching up to rub his now-bloodied nose. Blake with his Vie, Sara and Kassandra came barreling down the path after them. “ You have got to be the worst at catching Pokémon. “ Blake proclaimed, reaching for a Pokéball from his belt. “ No! This one is mine! C’mon Ele! “ Flame gathered himself up and dashed back down the path, keeping track of all the fallen leaves from the branches above. Electabuzz didn’t fall far behind him. “ Ele, use Thunderbolt! “ Flame called out, pointing up at the vegetation that was the leaf-covered branches above them. Electabuzz clenched his fists, a bolt of lightning emitting off his body. The bolt sky-rocketed towards the Mankey, and ultimately missed. Blake followed in pursuit, laughing at Flame’s poor attempt at attacking the wild Pokémon. “ Tsch, what was that? Watch this! Vie, Shadow Ball! “ Vie shot off of Blake’s shoulder, and charged a goopy ball of purple energy in front of it’s snout. The ball of shadows missed just as pathetically as Electabuzz’s Thunderbolt did. “ Damned! “ Blake cursed under his breath, catching Vie in the air. The Mankey hung from it’s tail, curling it around a sturdy branch. It stuck it’s tongue out, laughing at the group of trainers. “ It’s alright Blakey-boo! You’ll get it next time! “ Kassandra squealed, rushing forth with her arms open wide to hug Blake. “ I told you not to call me that! “ Blake yelled angrily, being cut short from anymore scolding due to her fruitless tackle hug. “ Haha! No he won’t! Now is our chance, Ele! Thunderbolt!! “ Electabuzz charged another electrical attack, squeezing his eyes shut, firing off another bolt of lightning towards the Mankey. “ Eleeeectaabuuuuuzzz! “ Bullseye! The Thunderbolt attack hit the Mankey spot on, completely turning it into a crisp of blackened fur. It’s eyes were crossed out with small ‘x’s, indicating it had been knocked out. Flame grinned, and retrieved a Pokéball from his belt, tossing it in the air towards the defeated wild Pokémon. The Pokéball bounced off of Mankey’s head, and shot out a red stream of aura. Sucking Mankey’s energy inside of the sphere, the Pokéball smacked against the ground, jiggling once…. twice… three times! “ Hell yeah! “ Flame exclaimed, rushing forward to pick up the Pokéball. Flame held out his orange Pokédex, Mankey popping up on the small electronic screen. “ Haha, 72 Pokémon caught! “ Sara walked up to him, exchanging high-fives. Blake crossed his arms, grunting. “ I have 105. “ Flame’s face reddened with embarrassment. “ That’s my Blakey-Poo! “ Kassandra yelped, running forward, arms outstretched to wrap around Blake’s waist. Blake quickly side-steps, leaving Kassandra with a mouth full of dirt on the ground. “ Professor Oak said I needed 74 Pokémon in my Pokédex before I was able to challenge the fourth gym, but, I don’t feel like catching anymore. I’m freaking hungry. We NEED to go back and eat!! “ As the gang rounded the route leading to Celadon City, Flame cocked his head up towards the sky, peering through the lush, green rooftop provided by the trees that outlined the route. He sniffed the air, immediately cringing at the horrid aroma that entered his nose. “ What the HELL is that smell!? “ Sara looked as perplexed as everyone else, but her curiosity got the better of her as she too took in a whiff of the air. She began gagging as the warm, clammy odor entered her nostrils. She took her right index finger and thumb, pinching her nose shut. “ It smells like smoke. “ She announced calmly, following Flame’s gaze into the sky. She slowly lowered her hand from her nose, pointing in the air. “ L-look…. Smoke! “ The group looked through the brush of the trees, staring right at several columns of smoke rising into the air. “ It’s coming from Celadon City! “ With that, Flame took off down the path, Electabuzz following not too far behind. Flame and Electabuzz approached the Celadon City gates, and what he saw.. was complete, and utter destruction. The walls were smashed, the streets cracked with large, gaping crevices snaking around the city. The buildings were blazed with raging infernos, and the trees surrounding the city were set aflame. “ What the hell happened!? “ The rest of the trainers arrived shortly after Flame, panting and resting their hands on their knees. “ Holy shi- “ Blake began, before being smacked in the back of the head by Sara. Kassandra looked on in horror just like the rest of the group. “ We have to find Professor Oak! “ Flame and Electabuzz raced off into the city, though like a flash of lightning, two Team Rocket Grunts appeared out of thin air. Flame recognized them as Samuel and Yutsuro, the two Team Rocket members he and the gang had battled in the past. Medicham stood next to Samuel, and Machoke next to Yutsuro. Samuel was the first one to break the silence. “ This is where your quest ends. Medicham, use Focus Blast! “ Medicham put her palms opposite of eachother, charging a blue orb of energy. “ Hahahaha! Now you will be thwarted, runt! Machoke, Brick Break! “ Yutsuro laughed alongside his trusted Pokémon partner. Machoke’s hands glew a very vibrant, blinding white aura. As Team Rocket’s Pokémon went in for their assault, A flurry of razor sharp leaves and a jet of water hit both of the Fighting type Pokémon. Feminine voices echoed behind Flame and Blake as Sara’s Croconaw and Kassandra’s Bayleef charged forward to protect them. “ You boys go on ahead, we’ll take care of these chumps! “ Sara called out, a confident grin slipping way upon her lips. “ Yea, you go on ahead Blakey-Boo, I’ll protect you! “ Kassandra blew a kiss to Blake. As he was about to lose his temper, Flame and Electabuzz grabbed him by the collar to carry him off, further into the orange-glazed city. “ Alright Croconaw, Aerial Ace! “ Just as Croconaw’s claws shined white in it’s effort to strike, Samuel countered; “ Medicham, don’t let it attack! Force-Palm! “ The entirety of Medicham’s right palm glew a bright red aura as it rushed forward, thrusting it’s arm towards Croconaw. The water-type pokémon retaliated by clashing with the fighting-type, their respective moves striking one-another to create a miniature explosion. “ Now it’s our turn! Bayleef, Body Slam! “ Kassandra commanded, as Bayleef dashed forward to slam it’s mass into Machoke. “ Tsch, not good enough! Machoke, dip low, grab Bayleef and launch that pathetic excuse for a Pokémon in the air! “ As Bayleef rounded on the large fighting-type pokémon, Machoke did as it’s trainer requested, and wrapped it’s muscular arms around Bayleef’s body, tossing it into the air. “ Ha! Now hit it with a Dynamic Punch! “ Kassandra smiled and winked at Yutsuro, flipping her ponytail over her shoulder. “ We’re not all good looks! Bayleef, counter with a headbutt! “ Bayleef soared towards the ground, her circular head connecting with Machokes bulky, red-aura encased fist. Flame and Blake arrived at the once beautiful, in-tact Celadon City gym, which now was in a heap of burning ruins. The carcasses of Celadon City’s residents lie under the rubble, scorched to an absolute crisp. “ This is insane! “ Flame exclaimed, his face reddening with anger. Blake squinted at the rubble, and slid his hands into his pockets. “ I’m not blind. Come out. “ Two large shadows emerged from behind the smoldering rubble. Two cloaked figures stood atop a blazing cement wall, which was once part of the gym. As Flame and Blake gazed passed the ghastly flames, they were able to make out two armoured figures. One was coloured all white, and the other, pure black. They both appeared to be men, seeing as that is how the suits of armour looked to be designed. Large red ‘R’s were present on the right side of their chest-plates. “ I should be right to assume you’re with Team Rocket. And you’re no ordinary members. “ Blake tested them, to see if they would actually spill any information. What emitted from the suits of armor was something Blake and Flame didn’t expect. His voice was very low, robotic, and almost demonic. “ You’re so so so so right to think we’re apart of Team Rocket! And no, we’re not ordinary members, jerk! “ It was the figure in the black suit that spoke, his personality really clashing with the seriousness of his voice. “ Shut the hell up! Where is Professor Oak!? “ Flame’s anger had gotten the best of him. “ Oh? That old bag of suck!? He’s right here! Bwaahahahahaha! “ The black suited figure held Professor Oak up by his lab coat. He seemed completely unconscious as his body was covered in scratches and bruises. Flame’s eyes might as well have filled with fire, because he lashed out in a fit of rage. “ You bastards! Put him down!! “ Flame charged recklessly at the two figures. The silent one in the white suit of armour stepped infront of the black suited figure, roundhouse kicking Flame across his jaw. He was launched back, only to be caught by Electabuzz before he had landed in a small heap of fire. Blake looked on, impressed by the armoured individuals attack. “ ~ How in the hell could someone in armour deliver a strike like that? With such speed and precision… This won’t be easy. ~ “ He reached up, tapping Vie’s tail. Vie hopped down onto the rubble littered street, assuming a battle stance. “ Bwahahahah! Solar, take the old man, I will take this little piece of shit out! “ The figure in the black armour threw Professor Oak to ‘Solar’, who caught him with surprising ease. Finally, the one named Solar spoke up, his voice just as deep and creepy as the one in black. “ Don’t get carried away, Mirage. “ Mirage reached inside of his cloak, and retrieved a Pokéball. He launched it up into the air with unneeded force, the Pokéball popping open. Blue aura splashed out like water, revealing a Mawile. Now that Blake got a good look at the armoured Team Rocket member and his Pokémon, he saw that Mawile was wearing a black necklace with a small stone embedded inside. The same stone, only in a larger form was lodged into Mirage’s helmet. “ ~ What the hell are those? ~ “ Mirage tapped the stone with his index finger, as two beams of electricity shot out, surrounding Mawile’s form. Mawile began to change shape, gaining another long appendage from the back of it’s head. The ear-like extensions grow to two points, and the fur flowing down it’s body turns into a bright magenta. “ How do you like seeing Mega Mawile!? Bwaahahaha! Take in it, for this is the last battle you’re ever going to have! “ Mawile and it’s trainer seemed overly excited at the thought of smashing Blake and his Eevee into the ground. “ ~ What the hell!? Mega Mawile!? Is this some type of new evolution!? ~ Oh shit, Eevee watch out! “ Mawile faced both of it’s large mouth-like protrusions at Blake and Eevee. “ Sludge Bomb! “ Two large, purple balls of gunk shot out of Mawiles jaw appendages, slamming into Vie and Blake. The impact sent both of them flying back into large pile of stones, and wood and such. Flame managed to pick himself up, but before he could even react, Mawile shot another Sludge Bomb at Flame. He threw his arms in front of himself for protection, tightly clenching his eyes shut. He felt absolutely nothing, and opened his eyes. A new shadow was cast upon him. He raised his head from behind his arms to see Electabuzz standing directly in front of Flame. Steam rose from Electabuzz’s body, as he looked straight into Mirage’s eyes. Ele was able to take one step before collapsing. Flame’s bottom lip quivered as he watched his partner fall to the ground. He gritted his teeth, reaching for Prinplup’s Pokéball. “ Go, Prinplup! Let’s kick these goons asses! Bubblebeam! “ Prinplup’s beak shined over with a white-glossy like substance as it shot out a flurry of bubbles. “ Priiin plup plup plup plup! “ Mawile smiled, and Flame was sure it’s trainer was doing the exact same thing. “ You think that will work!? Bwahahahaha! Mawile, smash through it with Iron Head! “ Mawile’s head shined over with a metallic like metal, propelling itself towards Prinplup. Mawile’s attack broke straight through Prinplup’s Bubblebeam, crashing into the water-type Pokémon. Before Prinplup was to go any further, Mawile clamped both of it’s large jaw like tendrils around Prinplup’s fins. “ Bwahahahaha! Ice Beam! “ Two streams of blue energy launched from Mawiles hands, freezing Prinplups entire figure. “ ~ NO! What the hell do I do now!? ~ Prinplup! You can break out of this, come on!! “ Flame pleaded with his pokémon, but to no avail. “ This is the end for your piece of trash pokémon, Mawile, use Crunch and tear it apart! “ Flame’s eyes widened and filled with fear. “ No! Please! Don’t!! “ Mawile released Prinplup, and used both of it’s jaws to smash the ice-encased Prinplup apart, ultimately killing her. Flame’s eyes filled with tears. It seemed as if the whole world stopped, and he was the only one moving. He inched his way towards his fallen pokémon’s chunk-like remains, tears dripping down his cheeks. “ P-...P-... Prinplup…. Prinplup…. PRINPLUP!!!! “ He threw his head back in the air, bawling his eyes out. “ Pathetic! Mawile, use Shadow Ball on this worthless piece of shit! “ A dark, black-ish purple orb formed inside one of Mawles jaws, firing it at Flame. The attack hit him square in the chest, sending him flying back to where an insentient Blake and Vie lie. Flame awoke inside of the Pokémon Center. Sara, Kassandra, and a bandaged up Blake stood around his bed. He cocked his head to the side to see Ele, wrapped up in bandages himself, smiling down at Flame. He instantly grasped Flame’s injured body, crying out. “ Ele, Ele, Ele, Ele! “ Flame cried out, Ele rubbing himself against Flame’s damaged area. “ Ok, ok! I get it buddy, I’m ok! “ He felt a hand grasp his, and turned to see Sara holding it. She whispered to him softly, “ I’m glad you’re ok…. “ Flame blushed, but pushed himself up, and off of the bed, trying not to seem like a wimp in front of her. Blake put his hand on Flame’s shoulder, shooting him with a stern expression. “ This isn’t the time to be celebrating. We need to talk. Team Rocket has gotten out of hand. They’ve captured Professor Oak, and has taken him to Lugia knows where. And to top it all off, they have a way of changing their Pokémon’s appearance, and greatly boost their strength. Even I have to admit… they completely dominated us. “ Flame looked towards the ground, now remembering his Prinplup that had perished in the battle. “ I just need to go for walk…. alone. “ He looked at everyone, before exiting the room. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, staring at the ground, being struck by a solid object. A feminine, “ Ow! “ echoed in front of him, and Flame looked up to see Nurse Rachel rubbing her head. “ Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry Nurse Rachel… “ Nurse Rachel pulls her clipboard close to her chest and smiles. “ No worries! Oh, there was something I wanted to ask you…. Come with me please. “ Nurse Joy scurried off down the corridor, Flame following in pursuit. She lead them into a room at the very far end of the hall, and held the door open for Flame’s entry. As he stepped into the room, he immediately saw two Pokémon, wrapped in bandages, lying in bed. One was a Scizor, and the other, a Wartortle. Flame’s eyes lit up as he looked at the injured beings, taking in their pain. He looked to Nurse Rachel, “ What about them…? “ She glanced at her clipboard, then back up at Flame. “ Well… you see…. “ She leaned in closer to Flame, now only talking in a light whisper. “ Their trainer perished in the attack on Celadon City. Luckily, Team Rocket left this Pokémon Center alone, and I had looked out of the window and saw them hurt… everyone else I have asked hasn’t wanted them. So I was wondering if you would take them…? “ Flame’s jaw dropped. In reality, this was a huge opportunity, and responsibility. Taking in Pokémon which were already raised by a different trainer could cause tremendous problems. Flame set aside those cons and shook his head. “ Of course! Could I get a minute to talk with them? “ Nurse Rachel shook her head, and exited the room, closing the door behind her. Flame approached the two Pokémon, kneeling down in between their respective beds. “ Hey guys, how’re ya feeling? “ The Pokémon grimaced at Flame, turning their heads away from him. “ I kind of figured you’d be this way.. I’m just gonna cut to the chase with you guys. I know how it feels to lose someone dear to you. I myself lost one of my Pokémon during the attack.. She was a Prinplup. She had been with me since the start of my journey, and put her life on the line to protect me. She battled for us. I miss her so much. And at that point, I felt like my pokémon journey was done. I felt like giving up, and going home. Even though I still have my partner Ele, I was just devastated. But.. Ele’s and Prinplup’s courage is what got me out of that dark void. If it hadn’t been for my pokémon, I would have faded out of existence. I know if I passed on, I would want my pokémon to be cared for by a thoughtful, generous trainer. I know your trainer feels the same way. You don’t have to do this alone now that he is gone. “ He holds out both of his hands, one to each Pokémon. They look towards Flame, And Wartortle immediately takes ahold of it. Scizor growls lightly, before placing it’s bandaged pincer on Flame’s palm. He smiles, standing up to his full height now. “ Plus, you guys can help me kick Team Rocket’s ass, and rescue Professor Oak! “
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 04:21:28 +0000

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