Policies set out at the Doncaster Conference. Sorry there were - TopicsExpress


Policies set out at the Doncaster Conference. Sorry there were only 15 in all, one was duplicated. Here are the next 2. Final 1 tomorrow. Day 7 STEVEN WOOLFE: “UKIP’S ETHICAL MIGRATION POLICY” People now understand that there is overwhelming evidence showing that mass unskilled, uncontrolled, migration lowers subsistence wages for the poorest in society, and that so many millions of our fellow citizens now have to rely on government subsidies to live. Evidence from successive OECD annual reports that clearly state mass low skilled migration brings no discernible economic benefit in GDP or GNP terms to the UK; Evidence from the EU own a migration report that says mass low skilled migration negatively affects the poorest in the UK. The mounting evidence shows that mass low skilled migration exceeds the cost to the UK economy far in excess of any benefits. Irrespective of the evidence it is the people of Britain who feel its true effects. UKIP will not ignore the concerns of the people and their number one concern is Immigration. The present Government’s failure to do this is well documented. The everyday scenes in Calais are a testimony to this. The Coalitions incompetence is shown in the failed UK Border system that couldnt cope with separate monitoring of UK and EU citizens and led us to pay an American company an unbelievable ¼ billion pounds in compensation. If the Government can find the technology to listen in on all our phone calls it must be technically possible to identify UK citizens when they return home! A UKIP supported government would make this project happen and it would do so by introducing priority entry points at all borders for UK passport holders. One line for British passport holders. One line for the rest of the world. I believe it is a privilege to hold a British passport so why should you have to wait an unreasonable time to come home. If you think it is hard to wait in line, spare a thought for the under-resourced UK Borders staff. They have the task to spot and detain drug dealers and terrorists amid the tens of millions of people who enter this country each year. They are the visible protectors of our nation. Our first line of defence of the Homeland. For too long these hard working public servants have been put under too much pressure by successive governments. They need our support. So today I am announcing that, UKIP’s general election manifesto will include a provision to increase front line staff and search teams at UK Border entry points by 2500 new staff. UKIP will support measures to abolish the provisions of the Dublin treaty that says we cannot choose to identify the country an illegal migrant comes from if they do not have any identifying documents if they come to our borders. Once our entry point and borders are given the right protection, we need to turn to the status of those permitted to come to our country, tourists, qualified workers and those given permanent rights to reside. Firstly, we believe all people from whichever country they come from should be treated the same if they wish to come to our country. Secondly, we will not allow the British state to discriminate by region, origin or ethnicity. Thirdly, we believe that Europeans should receive the same treatment as non-Europeans. We recognise that an appropriately qualified German Doctor has the same rights to apply to work in the UK as an appropriately qualified Indian doctor. Fourthly, we cannot have a completely open door immigration policy to the whole world. We need to have selective and a skills based policy that balances the needs of economic growth and society. To achieve this UKIP will adopt the Australian points based system that matches skills to the industries that need them and that can permit integration and settlement without overcrowding. Fifthly, within the points based system UKIP commits to bringing UK net migration down to 50,000 people a year for employment. And finally in order to live here and be part of society you need to integrate. Being able to speak English is essential. Therefore in order to gain permanent rights of residence UKIP will raise the language skills tests So…UKIP will remove the passports of any person, who has gone to fight for a terrorist organisation, we will expel anyone immediately who commits a terrorist crime in this country who has been granted a passport. Finally Conference we must also help those in other countries to prosper and grow their economies through friendship, highly targeted foreign aid and free trade. We must enter into free trade agreements with African nations even if the EU doesnt or wont let us. LOCAL COMMUNITIES; AMJAD BASHIR: UKIP WILL IMPROVE YOUR COMMUNITIES We must all respect the laws and cultures of the country we live in. Society CAN be diverse but it MUST also be inclusive. A sense of belonging must be fostered and everyone should be encouraged to take pride in their community and be aware that their actions affect us all. Those who harm the community with their antisocial and criminal behaviour, harm all of us, and they must be firmly and appropriately dealt with and not mollycoddled with soft sentences. Those responsible for criminal damage must put back into society by carrying out unpaid work in the area where it was committed. And those jailed for offences affecting their community should be banned from returning to live in the area, as a condition of their release. Community groups and local charities must be helped to bid on council and health service tenders, and favour must be given to them above bids from large corporations. Where unemployed people are on training courses, work they do should be of benefit to the community in which they live. We will explore how help can be given to community groups that wish to set up credit unions, in a bid to stop local people becoming trapped in debt to Pay-day loan companies and loan sharks. Local charities and community groups should be able to purchase supplies and equipment through the local council, so they can benefit from collective buying and economies of scale. More of the local authority budget should be controlled by the community, as they are best placed to decide what services they need. We believe in Equality of opportunity– and will end the post-code lottery that results in some areas being eligible for facilities like training and grants, whilst others within the same local authority are not. Causing a noise nuisance would become a criminal offence that the police can respond to immediately, and the eviction of problem families that blight the lives of communities will be streamlined. UKIP would allow local people to take the initiative in improving their green spaces and local environment, without threat of the local authority ordering them to reverse the improvements, as they currently can do!! UKIP believe that decisions which affect the lives of LOCAL people should be made with as much input of the LOCAL people as possible. This is not best served by the use of elected councillors, who often do not live in the area they represent and are subject to the whip of a political party that may not have their interests at heart. UKIP will introduce a number of measures designed to give communities their voices back. Local communities know what amenities they need in the area to stop them being forced to travel to other areas on a regular basis. Currently, change of use applications cannot be decided on the basis of what services are currently available, so a row of shops could all become takeaways or off-licences. UKIP would reverse this anomaly and allow decision to be made on the basis that local people need a range of services. Damage to existing independent traders should be a serious consideration when deciding applications for development and change of use. Important planning decisions should have to be ratified by a local referendum. Just as developers have the right to appeal a planning refusal or conditions, local communities should have the right to appeal a planning approval, and seek refusal or added conditions. Currently road safety improvements ignore the concerns of local people, and only consider the actual number of deaths and serious injuries over a set time frame. Local people should have much more say over road improvements, position of crossings, traffic management etc. UKIP will stop those providing services funded by the public purse, using premium rate phone numbers. School governing boards must be made up of at least 30% parents of children at the school. Councillors wanting to sit on the bodies must show a genuine local stake and interest before they can be appointed, to stop their appointment purely for electoral advantage. Appointments to local health boards, fire authorities etc. must be made on merit, and include residents. The appointment of councillors to the boards must be justified on the basis of merit, in order to stop the current cronyism that sees appointments made by the council leader to those who have previously supported him, just so they can receive the special responsibility allowance. UKIP will ensure ALL communities are aware and adhere to the supremacy of British law, whether it is criminal law, civil law, common law or other. UKIP, WILL NOT allow any parallel or alternative legal systems or structures. The British system of law has stood the test of time and been the bedrock for legal systems across the commonwealth. Meanwhile dealing with community life in the UK I must make reference to the appalling situation in Rotherham. The abuse of over 1,400 vulnerable girls, predominantly by Asian men. It is a disgrace that political correctness and over-sensitivity around ethnicity let these perpetrators off the hook, and gave them protection to continue their abuse and so badly let these innocent victims down. The community knows there is a problem and has to play its part in dealing with it. I have spoken to religious (& community) leaders in the area, all of whom have condemned it. They know they have a part to play in dealing with it. It is now up to the police and partner agencies to make the internal changes they need to play their part. Never again should some misguided sense of political correctness have such a negative impact on the safety of our people. I am Muslim, I am proud to be Muslim, because I know that Islam is a peace-loving and respectful religion. I am also a proud Briton and proud Yorkshire man. There is no place in any religion for the extremism we see in increasing measure. The radicalisation of our young people must be stamped out. It cannot be tolerated. I want to say to religious fanatics across the world - you will not get to heaven if you kill in the name of Islam, or Christianity, or Judaism or any other religion. If you want to prove your commitment to your religion you have to be peaceful. There is no place for violence in Great Britain. True religion is about living together with everyone, not setting you apart. That doesnt mean you have to compromise your beliefs, but don’t take offence if others don’t share them. There has always been space in British culture for those of different religions to live together, and that hasn’t changed. If now it is not easy for different religions to live together, it is not because British culture has changed, it’s because radicalization has warped and continues to warp, malleable minds and leads to division and fear. And lastly, we have to make it very clear to all that go overseas to join the extremists, You cannot come back. I dont want you back and Britain doesnt want you back!!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:43:39 +0000

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