Power Within A Man By Jacob Born 1998, M, from Hinesville, - TopicsExpress


Power Within A Man By Jacob Born 1998, M, from Hinesville, Ga, United States “1992” He had a mother and a father. His mother was named “Emily Parker, his father named was “Mark Parker”. When he was at the age of two years old, his father has been murdered. When his father has died no one found out who the killer was. The police was trying to get clues to find the suspect but no one was a witness. The FBI found “Mark Parker” body at the Miami Beach. His mother was taking care of him. Every night his mother would hug him and tuck him in bed. His mother putted him to school at the age of five years old. His mother was so proud of him because he would get good grades and when he got a lower grade on a subject his mother would try to teach him on that certain subject. During the age of seven years old he was in a class where they had to make thank you cards to their father’s. He raised his hand and said “ What is a father?” His teacher frowned and said “When you go home ask your mother, she will explain what a father is.” He said “okay I will.” His teacher said “instead of doing this activity, do this.” His teacher handed him a pack of 64 Crayon’s and she gave him a choice of what color book he wanted. His teach said “keep it, take it home with you”. He had a good day and he was happy of what he got. When he was picked up from school by his mother, he asked his mom a question, he said “mom I went to school today and the class had to write Card’s about their father but I don’t know what a father is, can you tell me what is a father?” His mother frowned and said “I will talk to you when we arrive home okay son.” He said “okay mom.” When they arrived home his mother said “go on the kitchen table, I am going to cook you your favorite food.” “John Parker” said “ yay, thank you mom.” His mother smiled and said “I am glad that your happy son.” His mother cooked a chocolate pancake covered with syrup. His mother handed him a plate and his mother also cooked one for herself also. They ate together, after they finished eating his mother told him “ Son a father is related to his natural son.” “John Parker” looked confused and said “I don’t know what the word’s mean in that.” His mother said “stay here.” “John Parker” did as he was told. His mother had a dictionary and she said “this is a dictionary I will teach you the words that you don’t understand.” His mother taught him on what he didn’t understood. After his mother taught him he understood what A father was. He asked his mother “Mom now that I know what a father is do I have one.” His mother knew this day would come. She said “I will answer that question at the right age, until now I will not tell you son.” He said “okay, what age will you tell me?” His mother said “at the age of thirteen son.” He said “okay mom.” “John Parker” was a successful boy, he would get good grades every single report card day and his mother would smile at him say “good job son, I am so proud of you.” “John Parker” would receive a lot of stuff that he wanted because he was a good boy. He did as he was told including the chores, good grades and respecting. When he grew up at the age of thirteen he remembered what his mother told him. He went to his mother and said “Mother I remember of what you told me when I was seven years old.” His mother said “ come with me downstairs son” They sat on the couch and his mother said “wait here I’m going to get something.” He said “okay.” His mother came back with a photo book and she gave it to him. He opened the photo book and he saw pictures of his dad holding him and hugging him. Some photos were just him and his mother hugging. He went through page by page and smiled. He said “so I do have one, where is he?” His mother looked sad and said “ You did have one, your father was a successful man and he loved you so much, he was a business man and he earned a lot of money, your father passed away and got murdered.” He cried on his mom shoulders and said “why would someone murder him?” His mother cried with him and said “ I am sorry to tell you this son, I don’t know why son.” She also said “ Their is no one in this world that you could trust except me and your family.” He cried a lot that day. His mother felt bad so she took him to A place he loved to go. She took him to chucky cheese and she hoped it would make him happy but he was still sad. Although he did play games and had pizza he was a little sad and he just thought about his father all day. His mother took him back home and said “ I hope you had a great time son.” He said “ I had fun but I could not stop thinking about my father.” His mother said “ I am really sorry that you had to hear this, I hope you feel better soon son, I love you.” His mother went to kiss him on the cheek and hugged him. Time went by fast and it turned night that day. He had his photo book of his father and him. He kept it safe under his bed. The day passed and he woke up by his alarm clock and he thought of getting a safe so his special photo book of him and his dad would never get lost. He got out his bed and went to his mother and he saw his mother cooking chocolate pancake’s. He sat next to the kitchen table and waited for his mother to finish cooking. His mother finished and gave him a plate and said “good morning son, I love you.” She smiled and enjoyed breakfast with him. After they ate and finished their food, he asked his mom “Mother can I have a safe? So I could put my photo book inside so I don’t lose it.” His mother said “since you get good grades and do everything as told, I will get you one.” He said “thank you mom it does not have to be big, I just want it to be a mini one.” His mother ordered one online and one week passed and he received his mini safe. He has opened the box and got the safe out of the box and it had a piece of paper that said the security code to open it, he typed the security code and it opened. He putted his photo book inside and closed it. As timed passed he has grew up and got a job at the age of sixteen and his first check he gave it to his mother because of everything she did for him. His mother said “You’re a good person and thank you Son, I love you.” He has saved for a car and a apartment. As he grew up he went to college and moved out his mother house at the age of nineteen years old, when he packed all his stuff his mother said “ I am so proud of you, it was like yesterday when you were five years old, I will miss you son and I love you son.” He smiled at his mother and said “I love you too mom and I will miss you too, mom if there is anything you need or any money you need I will be here and I will help you.” His mother was tearing up and she smiled and said “ thank you son, I love you son.” He started tearing up too and said” no mom thank you.” As he finished packing everything he got in his car and waved goodbye to his mother. His mother waved goodbye back and was happy that he was A successful man. He did what his father did and he was a business man. He wanted to do what his father did in life. He Had a girlfriend named Marry Parker and had a women living with him. He proposed to his girlfriend and he she smiled and said “yes, yes thank you, I love you honey.” He smiled and hugged her and kissed her. He married her at the age of twenty years old. When he was twenty five years old they had two children. They took care of their children and raised them the correct way. They were wealthy and rich. He remembered his safe and every single night he would open his photo book and look page through page and smile. One night he opened his book and noticed a note sticking out on the side pocket. He took the note out and it said “ Son when you grow up do what you want to do in life and be yourself son, I love you so much son, I know in the future you will be successful man in life and if anything ever happens to me I just want you to know that I am here with you in your heart looking down at you smiling and proud of how of a successful Man you are in life, I love you and you have a power and that power is to be a successful man in life, you have a great power son and I’ll be with you every single time. Sincerely: “Mark Parker”. He was crying out of joy and looked up and said “ Dad I love you, thank you for saying that Dad.” “John Parker” had a power and that power was to succeed in life and be a successful man that takes cares of his children the correct way and to do what he always wanted to do.”John Parker” was a powerful man and he used his power the correct way. The End #JJM #LIKE
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 09:30:07 +0000

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