Prader Willi Awareness Day 5, Another characteristic of PWS is - TopicsExpress


Prader Willi Awareness Day 5, Another characteristic of PWS is stubbornness. With Max once he becomes fixated on something it is hard for him not to let it go. Because of this he has been able to accomplish more things against the odds than most people will in a lifetime. One of my favorite stories is of Max learning to ride a two wheel bike, something the history books of PWS said he would never do. Max was obsessed with bikes he would push them everywhere if he couldnt ride it. We went through more training wheels then I can count. One day I noticed him riding and the wheels were barely hitting the ground so I told him one day, this is the day we are taking them off. One push and away he went 20 later...BOOM he went down, brushed himself off got back on and with one more push away he went. He can now ride any bike, anywhere, anytime. He was about 11 at the time: this was a turning point in our lives when I knew he could do anything! Being stubborn can be a real good thing!!!
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 11:26:46 +0000

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