Praise the Lord FB family. Hope everyone is in the best of health - TopicsExpress


Praise the Lord FB family. Hope everyone is in the best of health and are doing well on tonight. I just want to remind you just how Jesus loves each and everyone of you, and to remind you that Hes promised never to leave you nor forsake you, so in the interim, of you going through troubles/trials/tribulation, remember Hes there, watching, praying and interceeding, to the Father, on your behalf. All He asks is for us to repent of sins, just as soon as we realize we come short of His glory and its only because, His desire is that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. However, we know that its not everyone who will give their allegiance to the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords because the Word makes it clear, that broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and the Word says, its only few that will find, it on the narrow path. Like our brother of old, David, the shepherd boy in the Bible, we should all take a leaf out of his book, because the Bible tells, us, that David was a man after Gods own heart, and I believe the reason to this was, whenever David came short in his ways/actions, he never would run from God but run to God. Half the time, the reason why so much happens to so many of us, and continue to happen, is, that instead of doing as did David, we do the exact opposite and then we wonder why? first of all, why not you/I. When you start asking why things, have to happen stop and think, I once was in your place, when I first came to Christ, I use to think Man this is real cool, when I get born again, I wont have to worry about anything, happening, to me, until I had my first test!!!! You see, when you become a babe in Christ, just as in the physical, so it is in the spiritual, the Lord puts, people in your path who are spiritually mature, and effective in the Word, and in their walk with Him, to help teach and train you up in the things, of the Lord, and so it was with me, I was so happy to be saved, i was running around telling everybody about my salvation and how I wanted them to feel and experience the same as I was, until problems and situations started hitting me, right, left and center(Smile!!!!) I sure called it a rude awakening because thats what it felt like. Another thing, like I say as you grow you mature,and put away childish things, as the word says, and thats what I ended up doing, through the years, Ive been saved, now, understand, I would never deceive anyone by saying, Ive never done or said, anything, wrong because I would not be honest, Ive said, and done things, Ive not been pleased about as anyone else,and had to go to the Lord but praise the Lord, He forgave me of my sins, and cleansed me from unrighteousness, but let me tell you my secret is like David, when I realize I come short in my ways, I willingly and fearfully run and fearfully not meaning, I am scared of the Lord, but meaning, I rever God and His Word to perform and be whos called me to be, and I dont say, I know it all because I dont know everything, Ive never said, it to anyone and never will because I know I would be foolish to think or better yet to announce it to anyone. However God has been good to me, and has done so much for me, where of Im glad. I live to Praise & Bless His name and I love to sing to the Lord, and bless His name, yoll aught to see and hear me sometimes, in the car with my gospel music, turned up and me singing, I know some of the people look at me funny but I dont even care, Just me and my Jesus rolling down the street, and having, fun, you would have thought, someones in the car with me. Anyway, Ive said, enough and need to go to bed, so Ill stop here and say, God bless you all, you all cant say, I havent shared anything, with you, so now, be blessed, and know Im praying for you all as Gods servant, because thats who I am, Gods servant. I love God and His people so much. All thats in me is to to serve. I thank God for the spirit of servanthood because not everyone likes serving, but as Jesus came to serve even so should we adopt the same principles. I will continue to be praying and also pray for me, when you remember ok. Love you all. As always. your sister in Christ. Sharon.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:14:59 +0000

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