‘Pray It In’ Daniel 9:2-5 Introduction: One Hope has been - TopicsExpress


‘Pray It In’ Daniel 9:2-5 Introduction: One Hope has been promised by God that He would bring revival. We as a church have had many prophetic words spoken of over us that God would pour out His Spirit in a mighty way. But this will not happen if we as a church do not begin to humble ourselves and pray, seeking only the presence of God. All of the great revivals of old have one common denominator, prayer! When we look back at our mothers and fathers in the faith and how they had successful ministries and lives we see one main theme. They were men and women of faith who prayed! They prayed for the presence of God to come and change their lives. They did not pray to get God to jump through hoops for them. They prayed for clean hearts, transformed cities, the lost and repentance. Revival does not come to people who seek revival; but to people who seek God. Prayerlessness is the enemy of revival. How long do I pray? Until I have the heart of God Scriptures: Daniel 9:2-5 (Praying in Jeremiah’s prophecy), Jeremiah 29:4-11 (God’s promise to Israel), Daniel 9:20-23 (God’s answer) History’s lesson: God’s plan for Israel was a future and a hope, restoration of the Temple and a glorious Jerusalem. But, most of Israel never saw it, nor took part in making it come to pass. Why? They stopped pursuing God with a passion. They failed to pray it in to stay in vital communion with God until His promise came to pass. Shortly after Daniel or about the time of his death, King Cyrus decrees a rebuilding of the Temple and Jerusalem. Zerubbabel and Ezra are sent. Later Nehemiah rebuilds the walls of the city. The center of the worship of God is reestablished – REVIVAL - but most of Israel was not there. They got comfortable in Babylon. They focused on their own material comfort and laid aside their calling as a people of God, a nation of priests. What was different about Daniel? Why was he able to pray in the promise when others missed it entirely? • Daniel kept the big picture in mind. • Daniel was holy. • Daniel patiently sought God. • Daniel did the work of prayer. Application: One Hope Foursquare has been planted here for a reason. We are part of God’s plan and purpose for Federal Way and even the broad scope of human history. The ripples from a stone thrown into a pond go out a long way. But, just because we are here on purpose doesn’t mean our assignment is complete. We must work and pray and work and pray it in. I’m asking us to make prayer a priority. I’m asking us to make corporate church prayer a priority. Why? Because, I’m lonely on Friday nights? No, because prayer changes things as Michelle so clearly showed us last week. Prayer is not a one and done ritual nor is it a repetition of lists of personal wants over and again until God gives in to us. It is a conversation with God! He speaks, through scripture, a prophetic word, a vision, a testimony and we respond. We speak, through prayer, surrender, obedience and He responds. We worship, through song, or praise or a spiritual language and He draws near, and His presence refreshes us. We need various giftings represented to have corporate prayer that is engaging. Prophets, if you are missing, then it’s likely we are having a one way conversation and that’s boring. Worship leaders, if you are not there guiding us into God’s presence, the meeting feels spiritually cold. Intercessors, if you are not there we lack your determined passion to reach God’s heart. The gathering is not just for what you, personally can get, your presence brings a gift that WE need. All of us have needs and concerns God wants to guide us through, but alone we are less able to hear and get into the flow of God’s Spirit. (Blackaby p.53-54) Conclusion: One Hope, God has given us promises, but they don’t just happen because He promised. We, like Daniel, must pray them in. We must partner with God to lay a foundation, a launching pad for revival. Do we want a revival of the church in America? Do we want God’s Spirit poured out in Spiritual Awakening? We must pray it in! Sermon notes by Pastor Dave Norcross
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 01:51:43 +0000

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