Prayer is our connection with God--our strength, our bridge to - TopicsExpress


Prayer is our connection with God--our strength, our bridge to heaven! It is when men begin to call upon the name of the Lord that they find Him. We are told that He hearest prayer. What a promise the is! As we prey, the Holy Spirit Himself unites in our petition s and maketh intercession for us. We are not along in the battle of life; all heaven is on our side! There are certain conditions upon which we may expect that God will hear and answer our prayers.... If we regard iniquity in our hearts, if we cling to any known sin, the Lord will not hear us; but the prayer of the penitent, contrite soul is always accepted. When all known wrongs are righted, we may believe that God will answer our petitions.” “If (we) have complied with the conditions upon which these promises are based, God’s word is pledged that He will do for (us) more than (we) ask.” Conditions of Answered Prayer 1. We feel our need of help from Him. 2. If we regard iniquity in our hearts, if we cling to any known sin, the Lord will not hear us; but the prayer of the penitent, contrite soul is always accepted. 3. We must have faith. 4. When we come to ask mercy and blessing from God we should have a spirit of love and forgiveness in our own hearts. 5. Perseverance has been made a condition of receiving answers. 6. There is necessity for diligence in prayer; let nothing hinder you. 7. Pray in the name of Jesus. 2. WHAT WILL PRAYER ACCOMPLISH? 1. Prayer opens the soul to God; lifts the soul up to God. God floods with light the soul of those who open their hearts to him in earnest, pleading prayer. His blessing is never withheld from the soul that seeks it with the whole heart. 2. Prayer increases faith and brings spiritual blessing. It is through prayer that we become acquainted with God, and a more intimate knowledge of God must of necessity increase our faith, and increased faith means an increasingly satisfying religious experience. 3. Prayer enlists us for God’s will. It puts us in an attitude of receptivity where we become more willing to do God’s bidding. It increases our desire to know and to do his will, and thus enlists us in his service. 4. Prayer gives us fortitude and patience. It gives us the courage and patience to face and conquer the problems, and difficulties of life with fortitude. It not only gives us the spiritual strength to do so, but often the necessary physical strength is bestowed. We are comforted and sustained by the assurance that “underneath are the everlasting arms.” 5. Prayer enables us to help others. Through prayer it is possible to influence and help others as we might not in any other way. It is the high power wireless
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 08:52:05 +0000

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