Prayers and positive thoughts go out to Tabitha and Olive! From - TopicsExpress


Prayers and positive thoughts go out to Tabitha and Olive! From Tabitha Fletcher Talbert: Im again coming to all you fabulous, faithful Rockers, asking for prayers for my senior rescue, Olive. She came through her tooth removal and mast cell surgery back in late November thanks to your positive thoughts and prayers, and was doing just beautifully - until this morning. I found her in a sad state. It was terrifying. She could hardly walk and was extremely disoriented, and by the time we got her to our vet, she could barely walk, and when she did, she just circled. After a whole day of observation and a GIANT battery of tests, the theory is that she has a mast cell tumor next to her heart (the X-ray was kind of cloudy) and that it was releasing massive amounts of histamines. After a few big doses of steroids and anti-histamines, shes *nearly* back to herself. I am praying that she will remain stable at home with us tonight. Her blood work results will be back in the morning, and while Id love for them to say it was all nothing but a fluke, I know thats not likely. If the results come back and support this theory, we will do what we can to control the histamines. This will obviously leave the tumor in place, but she likely wouldnt survive that surgery. It would be grueling, and shes just too old. We will administer palliative care until shes ready to cross the bridge. You dont rescue a senior with the intention of having them be with you for years and years, and Olive has given me the one Christmas I asked of her (Santa spoiled her big time!). I just wan her remaining time to be comfortable. Thanks for the positive thoughts and prayers! (This picture was taken this morning when she was almost completely unresponsive. She is now beside me on the couch, asleep, and very comfortable.)
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 15:14:20 +0000

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