Pregnant Or Trying To Get Pregnant? First Signs Of - TopicsExpress


Pregnant Or Trying To Get Pregnant? First Signs Of Pregnancy When you first suspect that you may be pregnant (or are hoping you are!), all of a sudden you become hyper vigilant for any little sign or signal that you might be pregnant. Some women tend to get hit with many symptoms early on, and others have a healthy pregnancy with nothing much more than a missed period. Some women may experience light bleeding (implantation bleeding) or even continue to have a ‘period’ their whole pregnancy – with no harm to the baby. Of course, all bleeding during pregnancy should be mentioned to your midwife or doctor, just in case. The Very First Sign That You’re Pregnant Lots of women will first realise they are pregnant when they get the trademark missed period, which is classed as week 4 of pregnancy (even though you were only technically pregnant for two of those). But some little hidden clues which we didn’t realise at the time can become clear when that positive pregnancy test is on the table. Early Symptoms of Pregnancy When I found out I was pregnant with my first, it was a surprise package (and a wonderful one at that), but I wasn’t the most wonderful or surprising kind of person at the time! I thought I was just having a bad day – I had a huge meltdown at work – in a team meeting – and quit my job! To cheer myself up, I decided to go and buy myself something nice for lunch, only to have a yelling match with someone in the car park (fighting over a parking space which I was sure I was there first), and it wasn’t even halfway through the day yet! I rang my partner to let off some steam, who told me to come and see him for lunch. When I got there, he confronted me with: ‘Do you think you might be pregnant?’ Insert my life flashing before my eyes! I was oblivious and it completely hit me for six that it might even be possible for me to be pregnant. So for me, finding out I was pregnant wasn’t associated with a missed period or morning sickness (as the movies tend to lead us to believe). Another of the more popular signs women noticed was sore breasts and/or nipples. There are many symptoms you can experience early on, which are surprising to kick into action very early into the pregnancy. Your breasts are one of them and seem to prepare themselves before you do! Other common very early pregnancy symptoms include: Fatigue (I am talking hangover tired fatigue!) Nausea (not necessarily vomiting but you may have both) Needing to pee more frequently Needing to pee frequently seems a bit strange, doesn’t it? You’d think you’d only needing to pee more often when the baby is bigger and squashing your bladder! However the increased size of your uterus from the earliest of days can make you more familiar with your toilet seat than you have been in the past. Together with morning sickness, you’ll likely start to get a bit more anal about a clean toilet seat – and if it’s up or down!
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 11:00:00 +0000

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