President Obama had the temerity in a recent speech to claim that - TopicsExpress


President Obama had the temerity in a recent speech to claim that “Christian faith and determination” are things that “government programs and policies can’t replace.” Oh really? Why then are he and other liberals trying so hard to do precisely that: replace Christianity with government control. It isn’t what the president said that is so annoying. He is absolutely right that government programs cannot replace Christian faith. What riles is that Barack Obama—a president who had done nothing to lessen the bigotry that is sweeping Christianity from the public square—made the statement. He is lucky lightning did not strike him. It is difficult to comprehend the level of hypocrisy necessary for President Obama to make such a statement. Let me be clear on this subject. Barack Obama has a well-established track record of identifying people who can help him get elected or serve other purposes for him and then, his purposes served, tossing them aside like used Kleenex. He did it to Oprah Winfrey, he did it to Bill Clinton, and he is in the process of doing it to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. Now in an attempt to rescue his party from the manifest failures of his own administration, Barack Obama is attempting to use Christianity as a political lever. Is there a thinking person alive who really believes this president is sincere when he casually drops lines about Christianity and the church into his increasingly desperate speeches? Do not be misled by Barack Obama, a president who could not find his way to the nearest Christian church without the assistance of GPS. This is a man for whom Sunday is just another day on the golf course. His ineptitude and consequent failures have put the Democratic Party at risk in 2014 and possibly in 2016. If Democrats lose the Senate in 2014 and the presidency in 2016, the fault will rest with Barack Obama, and the destruction of so-called progressivism will be his presidential legacy. This is why President Obama is working Christianity into his speeches. He needn’t bother. Christians are called on to forgive, but they do not have to forget and, come 2014 and 2016, I pray we won’t. Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here: patriotupdate/articles/obama-suddenly-gotten-religion-dont-believe/#4jbDBDPWMvK1MfwV.99
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 13:42:49 +0000

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