Pro-Europe Parties Lead Vote In Ukraine. (transformations in - TopicsExpress


Pro-Europe Parties Lead Vote In Ukraine. (transformations in the Ukraine abound!) As Ukraines most ardently pro-European parties pocketed a resounding collective election triumph Monday, thoughts turned to a reform agenda that promises pain and progress in equal doses. Although the outcome of Sundays vote is in part fruit of a surge in anti-Russian sentiment, Moscow says it will recognize the result and urged Ukraines new order to grapple with the countrys most pressing problems. With 72 percent of the vote counted Monday, the three main Western-leaning parties alone stood to win a combined 54 percent of the vote. Coalition negotiations were already underway. Parliament is now largely purged of the loyalists of former President Viktor Yanukovych, who sparked months of protests — and eventually his ouster in February — with his decision to deepen ties with Russia instead of the European Union. Of the European-minded parties, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuks Popular Front had 21.9 percent of the vote while President Petro Poroshenkos party had 21.5 percent. A new pro-European party based in western Ukraine was running third with 11 percent. The Fatherland party of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, who has argued strongly for NATO membership and is likely to join a pro-Europe coalition, had 5.7 percent of the vote. Poroshenko last month laid out an ambitious agenda envisioning significant changes to Ukraines police, justice and tax systems, defense sector and health care — all to be completed by 2020. Among the tougher decisions ahead will be allowing the cost of utilities in the cash-strapped country to float in line with market dictates. Ukraine is pregnant with reforms, said political analyst Oleksiy Haran. The elections showed that both the government and voters expect structural changes to bring Ukrainians closer to the European Union. huffingtonpost/2014/10/27/ukraine-vote_n_6053748.html?utm_hp_ref=world
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 04:38:44 +0000

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