Prodigals do come home!. I would know because mine is home!. - TopicsExpress


Prodigals do come home!. I would know because mine is home!. Praise God forever and ever!: You read that right, my prodigal is coming back home!. Just as I was sure about giving up my stand and walking away divorced, God intervened. My husband came over with a guilty conscience and confessed to me about 2 women he had been dating, one which I would later find out was extremely serious. Everyday since that confession he has been here, coming home after work, staying the night and confessing more sins. This reconciliation process is like nothing I had ever imagined it to be. I had daydreamed about the day my spouse would come home and never in a million years did I believe that it would happen this way. I also never believed my husband would have to confess to me the things he had done and said. However, in the midst of my utter confusion I am reminding myself that God knows better than I do. Its so incredibly important to realize that God has His own timing and His own plans. I dont know why all of what has happened while my prodigal was gone needed to happen or why our reconciliation process is unfolding the way it is. In all honesty I dont understand it. However, I have to have faith and be sure that this way, Gods way, is much better than mine. I can only hope and pray that these turn of events will be able to be used for Gods glory. I pray that my story, my hurt, all of the betrayal, all of the infidelity, all of the lies, all of the sin, the way my spouse is coming home, all of it; can be used to help other people in similar situations. Will this marriage work?. I dont know, I can not predict the future. Can this marriage work?. Absolutely, but we will NEED God. Is there really hope for the restoration of our trust and intimacy?. Yes but again, we will NEED God. Is there hope for your marriages as well?. Absolutely, but you will NEED God too. My husband, myself and our marriage is completely damaged, fractured, demolished, crippled, mutilated, defective, severed and broken. To the world it is hopeless but to God it is nothing He cant put back together, making it stronger than before. I wont lie, if we do not put God in the center of our marriage it will most likely fail. This is because ONLY God can fix the broken. Tip for standers: When my prodigal announced coming home I knew exactly what I would do for his return. Make sure to really welcome home your spouse, let them know you love them, missed them and are thrilled that they are back. When my husband left for work yesterday morning I spent all day cleaning our house. I went out and bought gifts, a card and balloons to surprise him with. I made dinner plans for us to celebrate over. The first thing my husband saw when walking into our house was me at the door, a clean house, wrapped gifts on the table and balloons that read welcome home, I love you, I
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:20:21 +0000

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