Progress Assessment 3 This trip to Italy was an overall success. - TopicsExpress


Progress Assessment 3 This trip to Italy was an overall success. It is an experience that I will always carry with me. This trip was full of firsts for me; including the first time traveling this far away from home and my family. However I learned so much during this program and had so many new experiences that now I very much look forward to future travel to as many places as possible. During this program I got to learn so much about the Italian culture. I got the opportunity to try its food, learn about its customs and get a first hand lesson on what life Italy is all about. I got to see spectacular landmarks like The Doumo in Florence, the Coliseum in Rome, the ruins of city of Pompeii and most importantly for me Vatican City. The Duomo in the city of Florence was a beautiful site with striking detail in decoration and ornamentation. The Duomo was impressive not just in size but also the amount of detail that is evident went into the construction of this cathedral. The ruins of the city of Pompeii were also incredible, and had so much to explore. Here we got a taste of how life in this ancient city was like. The level of sophistication in this city impressed me. The overall structure of the buildings how accepting these people were of prostitution and what a huge business it was for these people were all aspects of these ancient society that I found fascinating. The most fascinating part of this trip however was for me the city of Vatican. Ever since I was a child my family has been very religious and this city is of extreme importance to all of us. I was the most excited to see Saint Peters Cathedral. The experience inside this cathedral is unexplainable for me. There are no words that can even come close to doing justice in describing the grandeur, beauty and magnificence of this cathedral. Me being inside is something I still can’t believe. The cathedral is so large that the way it is structured feels as if you are at multiple churches at once. This cathedral along with the Vatican museums was the height of my trip to Italy. Being in Italy is the farthest I have ever been from home and away from my family. This trip however has now made me realize that I should start traveling the world to every corner possible. For future travel I would like to first explore more of the USA and then expand to other countries of Europe and Asia. I would really like to visit Spain only because I speak the same language and I feel that I would really feel at home there. I would also like to work on coming back to Italy but bring my family so that they to get to experience this country. I know for a fact that my family will appreciate being able to city the Vatican. One by one I plan to visit as many countries as I possibly can.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 21:30:37 +0000

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