Propaganda is a VERY interesting subject! Beck though is a little - TopicsExpress


Propaganda is a VERY interesting subject! Beck though is a little late to this latest propaganda campaign. This began, in part, with the CIAs Congress For Cultural Freedom (CCF) Originally conceived as a counter to Soviet Communism. The intent was to facilitate greater freedom in the Arts. Read facilitate as finance, freedom as selective promotion of artists and Arts as the gradual degradation of the classics in the arts. Knowing this program, the question arises; would a guy like Jackson Pollack gained any influence at all on his own, or was it due to unwarranted promotion by the CIA and certain NGOs, like the Rockefeller Foundation, etc... This program is hailed as one of the greatest successes of the CIA, by the CIA.....It literally changed the trajectory of what was perceived as culture from the early 50s to the 1970s and beyond. After a while, these things achieve a life of their own, so at some point, active participation in controlling the direction of things becomes unnecessary. Earlier than the CCF though was the rewriting of History in our History books, by eliminating mention of the American System of Political Economy from the books. By the time I went to High School, Civics was not even taught. (Of course, in my case I could have been asleep or skipping class ;) ) BUT, having talked with all my friends, most of whom did very well in school, and looking at school books from ages past, these things were in fact eliminated from the curriculum....Children today have little if any knowledge of the Constitution, and the beauty of how it COULD work if We the People paid proper attention to and engaged IN the process! What Americans do not understand, and often vehemently refuse to believe, is that the Republic of the United States has been under more or less constant attack since it was founded! There are in fact families and groups who HATE the ideas codified in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These families and groups do in fact maintain a more or less consistent action over generational time periods. These families and groups do in fact maintain consistent, and controlling influence in every form of media asset there is, printed, radio and television, EXCEPT THE INTERNET...... The internet has exploded the control of message that the so called elites have held for literally centuries. A leading asset of this ruling elite, Zbigniew Brzezinski, has stated almost exactly that, if not exactly. In the article linked below, Brzezinski commented on the growing inefficiency of war due to the increased political knowledge of the public. storyleak/brzezinski-global-political-awakening-making-syrian-war-difficult/ We the People and the so called Alternative Media COMPLETELY DESTROYED the MYTHS and PROPAGANDA spewed against Syrias Assad, by the Main Stream Propaganda Machine and literally averted the very real potential for WW III!! And the ruling elite can not STAND this. Also interesting that this Tri Lat cofounder points out what the People have known since at least 2008, that Obama’s Middle Eastern strategy has been a mere continuation of the policies seen under Bush, exemplified by former four star general and NATO commander Wesley Clark’s admission of the Bush-era Pentagon plan to overthrow several countries including Libya and Syria. In March 2011, at a meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Brzezinski points out that this global political awakening, is a challenge to global leadership....Video below. youtube/watch?v=yHqpJUSKQEA This is why there is such a push to pass laws which would create a more restrictive environment on the World Wide Web. These laws have NOTHING to do with stopping piracy or any other such copy right infringement and EVERYTHING to do with controlling the DISSEMINATION of INFORMATION..... I dont know what all Glenn Beck goes into in this video, didnt watch it, I know whats going on and I know that the degradation of school curricula in America is accelerating at a more rapid pace than ever before. Wake up America, the Globalists end game is NOW! 2014 is make or break year, IF we make it that far......
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 02:06:57 +0000

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