Prophecy for Zimbabwe (given by the Lord to Dr Femi Olowo on 25 - TopicsExpress


Prophecy for Zimbabwe (given by the Lord to Dr Femi Olowo on 25 May 2008) “…… out of the ashes of national devastation, Zimbabwe will once again rise up and become a mighty nation under God. For the prayers of the saints have ascended before Me as sweet incense, an acceptable sacrifice in My sight; and the prophecies and declarations of the righteous will cause My will to come to pass….. ….. the economy of heaven will produce a fruitful land again and an economic harvest for Zimbabwe in a few short years to come. Meanwhile huge inflation figures will rapidly drop and life as well as life expectancy will return to normality again… in a few short years. For indeed I will expand and extend the lifespan of My children in Zimbabwe, and satisfy them with the Zoë Life of God, so that a man of 72 years will once again be considered but a young man… a youth. Indeed I have spoken over your nation commanding you to be blessed, to be fruitful and to multiply –Genesis 1: 28 – and I the God of fruitfulness and the Lord of multiplication will do it. I will heal a nation that has been so ravaged by man, by disaster and by HIV AIDS, and My healing power and miracle grace shall be known throughout the land. ….I will raise up leaders after My own heart to lead Zimbabwe into new victories, new economic strength, new global respect and recognition. Your assignment is singular: continue to speak and declare My Word over Zimbabwe; for all of this that I have spoken shall shortly come to pass.” nehandaradio/2013/04/11/zimbabwe-is-rich-in-prophetic-messages/
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:17:25 +0000

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