...................Prophets of Today; . When i was growing up in - TopicsExpress


...................Prophets of Today; . When i was growing up in Cameroon, in the eighties and nineties, Christianity in a nutshell was basically preached by three main dinominations; The Catholics, the Presbyterian and the Baptist. During those days you would hardly hear of people calling themselves as prophets or Apostles . Christian preaching was largely biblical and church doctrinal. The beginning of these century has seen a lot of new church becoming prominent mainstream churches and the charismatic preachers has become the new face of Christianity. I recently had a day off work, and had time to watch TV, i notice how so many tele-evangelist frequently use the word prophesies and referring to themselves as prophets and Apostles. They claim to be speaking prophesy into peoples lives and say words like “thus says the Lord” when addressing their ordiacnce. This has got me thinking if all these are real or just a manipulation of people by some bible elites, or have the God I keen changed?. To my understanding of the Bible and of early Church tradition , to be a prophet is a serious matter ,for God to give a (mog) man of God a prophesy to alter on His behave will require a serious Spiritual elevation according to Biblical precepts. when i think of Prophets, i think of Big names like Moses, Isaiah, Daniel, Micah and Agabus of the New Testament. These are people whom by the power of the Holy Spirit, God deliver messages to people and individuals through them. They accurately foretold the fate of people and the occurrence of future events that could possibly be known only by God. . . My question is, are all these charismatic preachers and tele-evangelist who are professing to be prophets real Prophets delivering a specific message they heard from God Himself? . I looked in the Bible and fortunately God has given us a simple guild line to know if a person is a true prophet or not, or if someone is delivering His message or not. In Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ;But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, is to be put to death.” You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?”If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously, so do not be alarmed. So according to this scripture, we can know if a message or prophesy is not given by God by observing if what the “prophet” said will come to pass. If the prophesy does not come to pass, that “prophet” is not speaking from God and shouldn’t be faired. . The Bible even go further by laying an expectation for a person to have correctly predict something before being considered as a true prophet by people. Jer. 28:9 “But the prophet who prophesies peace will be recognized as one truly sent by the Lord only if his prediction comes true” . Ezek. 33:33; “When all this comes true - and it surely will - then they will know that a prophet has been among them.” 1 Sam 3:19;“The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the Lord” So one can safely says that a prophet should be someone who have already made accurate and verifiable prophesies before being labeled as such. . . Prophecy are largely given so that people would know that God Himself is watching over them, leading them, being personally involved in their lives. It is an assurance that God will take care of the future of his people. I doubt if most of these self proclaim prophets of today meets these Biblical standard to bear these title . So it is very important for people to know what it means to called someone a Prophet. If a person makes a wrong prophesy or a failed prediction in the name of the Lord, that person is not a prophet and is speaking out of his own presumption, and should be put to death according to the Torah, in our application, that will mean we shouldn’t listen to them anymore or take further prophesy from them. . I will give you some prophesies and prophets from the Bible.; hundreds of years before,Prophet Micah predicted the birth of Christ in Bethlehem Micah 5:2. Prophet Isaiah predicted the Messiah Jesus will be born by a virgin out of the family of King David Isaiah 7:14. And He will be king on David throne Isaiah 9:7(like 23:3). King David Prophesies that His grave will be empty Psalm 16:10. All these prophesies are true and from God. check out how easy it is to designate a location and isolate an individual amongst 6 billion people. the Prime Minister of UK 10 Downing street. So simple. with few lines , you can pin point a single person amongst billions. In the Bible, God gave us a direction Born by a virgin Born in Bethlehem Pierced hands and feet Raised from the death King of the Jews He is Jesus Christ. The Way the Truth and the Life. No one shall come to God except by Him. So ,as i contemplate prophets and prophesy. I advise my friends. Read the Bible well and then listen to what your faith guardian tells you not the other way around. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guard and lead you. Ask for wisdom from God who freely give to those who asked . these is my opinion and i welcome your. Bro Daniel
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 03:45:49 +0000

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