Protect Liberty Always or Not At All! Why do pages such as The - TopicsExpress


Protect Liberty Always or Not At All! Why do pages such as The Conservative Lady and Being Liberal have such a large following of fans? Simply put it is because pages such as these spend more time attacking the supposed other side of the left / right paradigm with arguments of fluff than real substance; not that there is must substance for taking money from one hand and putting it in the other while claiming to find new wealth. Yes I am going on the offensive just a little bit by making an observation. I find the lack of in-depth discussion on both of these pages to be irritating at best and the bulk of the problem at the worst. One page defends the policies of FDR and the other defends the policies of Lincoln and Bush side by side nearly. Such blatant refusal to use even just a little logic and reasoning stirs up such emotional hostility that it can make even the strongest minded individual fall back to violence in an attempt to make the ignorance stop for even just a moment. Yes, I am going after such pages because they reek of regurgitated talking points that attack the symptoms of liberty’s ailments and not tyranny itself. In fact while each side viciously goes after the symptoms of their polar opposites attacks they each encourage the continuation of tyranny by demanding more liberties be “temporarily” suspended until peace can be had. Always the individual must sacrifice because some wise leader foresees that as absolutely necessary for the survival of their brand of liberty. Being Liberal means to ensure social and economic equality and safety is the way to protect liberty while being a Conservative Lady insists upon protecting the individual’s right to self defense by growing the military to police the world of barbarians up in arms against the mighty republic! We are not London and we sure as hell are not Rome; but we are politically acting as if they are locked in eternal conflict as to how to usurp liberty to protect liberty. Why do I really challenge these two pages? I challenge them because there is nothing of substance offered by the general culture of either page that ultimately protects liberty for everyone. Both of the pages’ general sentiment is that liberty for the individual may be cherry picked and delegated accordingly by the mind of a few. It is the status quo of American politics as many independent thinkers well know. It is also the status quo of British politics and most of European politics. Although, with what little I understand of European politics it would seem there is less hearty debate on both sides; so it appears to me on the surface. Both voices from those pages would do well to understand the nonaggression principle and volunteerism. Apply those concepts to their beloved historical idols and they will be able to see the follies in their arguments if they do so honestly. It is a shame that the general audiences of such pages choose to accept regurgitated talking points instead of challenging ideas that may prove each of them wrong. I thought the South was Right only a few years ago only to find myself understanding that it was only the lesser of two evils fighting one another. The sentiment of the South during the war was that of self defense but its constitution was nearly an identical to that of the Union’s. Apart from denying new imports of slaves from other nations except the Union and the explicit denial of public funds to be used for infrastructure as was also done in the Union each constitution was the same. One was slightly better than the other but not by much. The South had plans for taking Cuba by voluntary purchase but rumor declared it to be taken by force if necessary. We may never know for sure. I was proven wrong by my own research and freely admit it. That is not something people like to do even in their own minds. Pride is a powerful motivator for good and ill. I’m not saying that I am better than anyone else. If anything I am only saying that I made my fair share of mistakes and when I began thinking questions started coming to mind. Those questions fueled my desire to read and that reading encouraged greater thinking. If just a little bit of thinking can change one mind then consider how much a little more thinking can change that many more minds. If pages such as these were really genuine about protecting individual liberties they would not praise a man such as Allen West of Florida who stood up to voter fraud while joyously singing about the good signing the NDAA would do. Likewise the Being Liberal Praise would not praise FDR if they understood the economic impact he had on the American economy by inserting himself into and cherry picking winners and losers. The Blue Eagle Stamp of Approval might as well be economic version of the Swastika for America. The problem with the core groups of pages as these in a nutshell if that they use emotional attachments and betrayals as justification for their arguments more often than not. Arguments start with a few facts then always are flung into speculation and or are driven carefully around specific facts that would change the tone of the argument completely. It people willingly joined in groups like these which choose to not think for themselves that do the most damage. I am willing to bet that if I could get one individual at a time alone out of those groups that I could make more progress in the defense of liberty that the entire groups of each page working together miraculously. Once again the bickering and squawking between such groups could be solved almost overnight if people knew how to think instead of what to think. -HvsP ~~~ Oh, and yes I’ve followed both pages since January of this year. In over five months I’ve read more name calling, under the belt jabs at pride, eye gauging with sympathy, and whiny two year olds complaining that government is an absolute requirement(from both sides) to make the progress each side wants! If government is required to make things work the way you want them then perhaps the things you want are wrong or the way you are trying to acquire them is wrong. It is going to one of the two things and rarely will it be both.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 21:05:16 +0000

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