Protestant Separatist News is investigating what we call the - TopicsExpress


Protestant Separatist News is investigating what we call the Comcast Conspiracy. It’s bad enough that we are being charged through the nose for the freedom of communication and access to information…it is bad enough that we are charged with hidden fees used specifically for the purpose of Political campaigning, to keep in power those Political Parties who are hostile to us…and it’s really bad that they ‘tax’ us like they do…and say thanks by freely surrendering all our private conversations and personal correspondence to an unlawful Federal Union of Private Contractors…an unlawful shadow government…because the American government doesn’t allow such lawless, unconstitutional , crimes such as targeting, profiling, and persecuting Americans because they are White, Conservative or Christian…and these violations of our Civil and Constitutional rights are being ignored and covered up by the claim from Washington that it is Black Americans that are having their Civil Rights violated by a Racist Judicial System, a Racist America, A Racist Constitution, and a Racist God…being accused of Racism…they get away with being racist and supremist…by claiming that they are having Justice denied to them…they get away with denying us our Justice…this is the ‘movement’. All those things are bad, evil, and illegal…however when Comcast thinks that it can censor the only News outlet that still has a thread of integrity…that’s when I draw the line! Just this morning, when the President is going to address the Nation (not about any of the important subjects…about his healthcare plans) yet Fox News Channel 64 was a black screen…and this time the message on the screen was simply ‘no signal’….with no phone number to call and report it…as is usually the case…but this time not even a phone number to call. This problem of FNC being the only channel being ‘blacked out’…especially during critical times in American perception…like the reaction to the Zimmerman verdict…was the first time I experienced this ‘blackout’ of the Fox News Channel…and only News Channel being censored…during the time of Americas reaction to the verdict….and the ratings of those News Channels encouraging the racial division and unrest would reflect the Presidents claim of American’s outrage. I called Comcast the first time this happened and communicated with their computer answering service and left a voice mail about the problem, and it (Fox News Channel) was soon back up and running…then a couple of days later (when CNN and MSNBC was still pounding the Racist injustice story…Fox News Channel was ‘blacked out’ again…making it seem like America was ‘tuned in’ to the Trayvon injustice, skewing the reality of American reaction…I called this time and waited 20 minutes to speak to an actual representative of Comcast and explained my concerns about how shady this appeared that Comcast who is pro-Obama has a News Outlet perceived as the enemy of Obama, and the only channel being ‘blacked out’…and the Comcast representative said that it is not Comcast’s problem…but a transmission problem of the Fox News Channel…and that they were in contact with them to make them aware of their problem (yet after calling Comcast and telling them the problem…it didn’t take long for Comcast to correct the problem…that Comcast claims is a transmission problem from Fox rather than ‘interference’ to the signal by private or military jamming devices…if it is true that Comcast had nothing to do with this unacceptable censoring of information that we are paying through the nose for, and tolerating our privacy being given to those trying to sell us something, or those who think that we are their property and up for sale. And now that we have called Comcast to report the outage during the Presidential speech…forcing us to watch CNN or MSNBC…which has to be costing the Fox News Channel a lot of revenue…the Comcast representative was informed that this time the screen didn’t even post a phone number to call to report the outage…which the Comcast Representative claimed was ‘odd’…and when the Comcast Representative was informed that Fox News Channel was unaware of any transmission problems on their end…the Comcast Representative said contrary to what had been reported before…that it’s not the Fox News Channel fault or problem…that it is some other problem interrupting this only News Channel. It’s time that we understand the need to stand…and stand up, and speak out, and demand that we get what we are paying for…not only from the monopolies who own our ability to speak and communicate freely, or to obtain the knowledge necessary for a well -informed public to continue to govern themselves…but more importantly, we need to demand that we get what we’re paying for from our Politicians who are supposed to be serving and protecting us…not censoring and persecuting us. The enemy will only prevail if good men and good women do nothing…they will only get away with what we let them get away with…and we must stop allowing the murder to get away with murder because if we don’t we are threatened to be murdered….we must stop allowing our Civil Rights to be violated by those who are claiming that they are the victims…stop allowing our Justice System to be attacked and dismantled by those who claim to love Justice and are being denied it…stop allowing these Islamist and Black Supremist to defame our Character and discredit our American way, and try to destroy our way of life, and outlaw our faith, take our way to defend and protect ourselves, and allow them to make life or death decisions about our Healthcare…by those who have already been caught violating our Civil Rights by definition…by racism….that these racist are accusing us of. It’s time to understand that the accuser is the guilty party in these Politics of hate and division…and how they can get away with making us the victims, by playing the victim, thereby ‘justifying’ their ‘lawful’ punishment of us and the abolishing of our Constitution and eradication of our faith in Christ…the time has come to obey the Word of God…and ‘Be Separate’ and ‘Come out of here…be not partakers with, and don’t assist this Antichristian, anti-American, global peace plan of the United Nations called Obama’s ‘ New Beginning’ . Islam believes that it is the Supreme religion…and Farrakhan, Jackson, Sharpton, Holder, and Obama believes that the Black man is superior…and they continue to make acceptations to our Constitutional laws to give preference to one race over another in every aspect of society…and call this ‘Affirmative Action’ and ‘Justice’…and this bond between Islam’s declaration of Supremacy, as well as the Black Supremists actions and attacks against certain Americans as being ‘Racist’ therefore the need for rejection…proves that we are in the middle of the Crime of the Century, and the days of Conspiracy theories are in the past…and our reality is a nightmare that we cannot escape…because evil has flourished because good people do nothing about it. Speak…there is nothing more powerful than the spoken Word…when that Word is the Truth, the way, the Light, that sets men free indeed. Speak.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:41:15 +0000

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