Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean - TopicsExpress


Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Dear Heavenly Father, tonight we are so thankful and grateful that we are able to come to your house of worship and praise. We are so thankful that we are allowed in to the very presence of the throne room. We want to bow before you and offer you praise and thanksgiving for all the great and awesome miracles we are experiencing in our Church Family. Thank you for the soul saved SUNDAY, and the three souls who were Saved through the Jail Ministry. And dear Father please continue to draw our loved ones in to Your Kingdom. Just like the ones who come with such conviction on their lives, wrestling with the enemy to be freed, yet they walk out still bound in the cords of their iniquity, we would ask for the Power of The Holy Ghost to be loosed in their lives to empower and lead them to CHRIST. Break the chains that holds them bound, chains of unbelief, chains of rebellion, chains of self centerdness. Thank you for destroying every yoke off of our loved ones lives. We are so grateful for the great Doctors and Nurses, and the wisdom you have imparted to them: that our people who are in need can go and be operated on and receive healing. We thank you for being with Janice, Linda, Clayton, and Sandy, as they went through surgery and are home recovering , we would ask you to send healing speedily into their bodies. Dear Lord please encourage the ones who are helping to take care of them.Thank you dear Lord for the good reports! Theres others Lord, who are sick we would lift them up to you tonight asking you to be strong on their behalf, the ones in the hospital, Kendra asked prayer for her friends Papaw she is concerned for, he has had a stroke, he needs your healing tough, please lift Liz Bush up and rebuke the infection out of her body, sending healing into her, Sister Doris Oldfields needs you to empower her lungs so that she will be able to get off the ventilator, theres Bonitas request for a lady who had to have emergency surgery and then had to face surgery again, Dear Lord, we are thankful you had your hand upon her seeing to her. We are so grateful that you have sent your Word and Healed them. Dear Lord ,Dalton Day, is having to go for tests, we would ask that you would give Knowledge and wisdom to the Doctors and remove fear from the parents heart, help them to trust in you, knowing you do all things well. We ask you to be with Sandra and her son, Larry and his family, Melissa Hendrickson and her two Daughters, Sister Earlene Thackers family her Mother, her Uncle Floyd, her Niece Katelyn, Sister Aimy Back Neace ,Delindas co- workers and Family. The many people she comes in contact with at work, thank you Heavenly Father for her faithfulness to pray and witness to then. Sister Glenna has been given an evil report, cast down that report and place it under the Blood of JESUS CHRIST, we would ask for her healing in JESUS mighty Name. Heavenly Father we would bring the ones before the Throne tonight that are facing the dreaded disease of cancer, some are going for surgery, just now being informed that they have cancer, others are going through treatment, to us this seems so overwhelming but we know that with God all things are possible. That is the reason we would ask you to become involved in their lives in a great and powerful way. Strengthen them and encourage them Father we would ask that the medication would only destroy the cancer cells, not destroying any good healthy cells or having bad side effects. Dear Lord there are those who have lost a loved one and they need the strength and comfort that comes from you. We would ask you to wrap your arms around them and guide them through this trying time. Dear Lord the ones that have brought unspoken requests we depend entirely upon the Blessed Holy Spirit to intercede for them, He prays in the Will of God, He knows each persons mind and their desires. Please give wisdom to them to make right decisions and courage to walk in the direction You guide them. Theres the flood victims and their need, we know that you are already mindful of each one but we would ask for you to place your shield of protection and mercy over our loved ones and keep them safe as they weather this storm. Thank you for all the ones who pitched in and helped their neighbors. Dear JESUS we are so Blessed with such wonderful people. We thank you and praise you asking you to supply every need that they will have, help them we pray. Dear Lord for all those out there that are needing Jobs we would ask you to open doors of opportunity for them. Some needs a job closer to home like Bruce so he can be with family and Church, please make a way for them. We know we can depend on your word, it gives us assurance that when we have come asking in Faith Believing we will receive. Psalms 102: 17 17 He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:35:27 +0000

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