Przemysław Jasielski - Analog Immigration Projekt ten jest - TopicsExpress


Przemysław Jasielski - Analog Immigration Projekt ten jest rodzajem podróży w czasie do chwili, w której wszechobecne dzisiaj urządzenia cyfrowe, nie były dostępne. CSU Gallery w Cleveland została zamieniona w całkowicie analogowy mikroświat. We wnętrzu galerii artysta zbudował konstrukcję ze stali i siatki miedzianej, która podobnie jak klatka Faradaya, nie przepuszcza fal elektromagnetycznych takich jak sygnały sieci komórkowych, czy wi-fi. Dodatkowo przy wejściu do galerii znajduje się specjalny punkt kontrolny, w którym odwiedzający proszeni są o pozostawienie wszystkich urządzeń cyfrowych. Praca została zrealizowana w ramach Creative Fusion Residency. Recently, I came across the idea that science describes the Universe as it is, and art describes the Universe the way you want it to be. I totally disagree with that. I would rather say that both science and art help us to understand the same Universe in different ways. The artist is seeing what others see but from a different perspective. This helps us to observe things with a free, unencumbered eye. Shortly after coming to Cleveland I realized that Clevelanders have a very specific sense of history. Whereas in Europe historical heritage is grounded in very old things and forgotten times, in Cleveland history is fresh -- you can almost taste it or smell it. Most of the people I talked to explained things to me in an historical context, which is a very pleasant surprise to me. What is important is not remembering the good old days and complaining about the present, but to understand history as a continuum from the past to what we have now. The second inspiration for the project was an idea created by Marc Prensky, the American thinker, dividing mankind into two groups: digital immigrants (individuals who grew up before computers were widely available) and digital natives (all who were born in the digital era). Combining these two notions with the very present industrial character of this place I came up with the idea of Analog Immigration - a specific back-in-time travel to the period when there were no digital devices. Im going to create an environment that will allow viewers to experience the analog era -- a place devoid of constant internet access and cell phones. With the help of CSU Sculpture students we have built a cubical wire-mesh structure inside the gallery. This structure, like a Faraday cage, will block and filter electromagnetic signals including wi-fi and mobile networks. Additionally, every person entering the show will be asked to leave all digital devices at a checkpoint at the entrance.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 14:55:18 +0000

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