Ptolemy IV then ascended the throne in 222 before our era. Indeed, - TopicsExpress


Ptolemy IV then ascended the throne in 222 before our era. Indeed, it is the embodiment of the law, fairness derives its authority. He lives in Alexandria, the capital of East Greek, surrounded by a very large courtyard dominated by a hierarchy of officials and officers. The former administrative divisions, the prefectures, are retained. But the city dominates the province, which it derives its sustenance through a system of taxes and royalties. Sometimes the latter rebelled, as is the case in Thebes, which had to be given a more specific administration. More than making conquests, the incessant wars waged by Ptolemy IV aim to maintain independence and supplies from Egypt. Around 215 BC, the Mage Marek - who is the Guardian of the Sacred Archives of Heliopolis - is the subject of a rumor from his colleagues. Indeed, they claim that it has completed the translation of a text on the history of an unknown land. They assume that there Marek described the Kingdom of Punt, which is located beyond the Pillars of Hercules there 36,525 years. They still say that he discovered his work at the heart of the ruins of the temples and underground appearing near Thebes. And they note: Marek had read this column through inscriptions carved on pillars. Because these pillars were erected by Thoth. The god had indeed first transcribed adventure of his people on the rolls. He had told his second son, Abydo daemon. He had copied their content hidden in the heart of Sanctuary unknown obelisks. Yet another view holds that these huge underground deposits were built on the orders of the Elders of Punt, who had planned the approach of a World Cataclysm. . In 210 before our era, the Greeks of Egypt worship the Serpent Alexandrian. Those who study ancient texts themselves, begin to see Amenhotep III of the nineteenth dynasty, the son of the Trojan Tithonus and Eos the goddess. Their hypothesis is that he was killed by Achilles before the walls of Troy. And that is why they are changing the name of its capital, Thebes in Mnemonium; Then they restore its Shrine of Luxor. On the other hand, they see a Caucasian sovereign Dionysus: it would have been to India, Egypt and Libya. It would have helped them fight the god Amun to the Titans, and reclaiming the land of Cyrene. He was the friend of Hermes Trimegiste - or thrice great -. And the latter, for its part, would have been the ancestor of the first kings Egyptians, their art, their traditions, and their sciences; it would also writes all his immemorial Know on the faces of a gemstone called Emerald Table. In 207 before our era, Nag Hammadi spent some months in the Library of Alexandria. It examines the high doctrines Mathematics of Egypt in the Old Kingdom. He is interested in mysteries that are attached to the Golden. He imagines Trimegiste Hermes has once been called something else: Thoth. He realizes that, whatever his name, he was the Master of Former Kings of the World, the Keeper of Traditions, Arts and Sciences. It assumes that founded the Hermetic doctrine scoring his knowledge on the Emerald Tablet; but also, he wrote texts that are the basis of Gnosticism, Alchemy, and the design of the Philosophers Stone. Finally, around 204 BC, Ptolemy IV died at his turn. Then its a child framed by almost incompetent ministers who becomes king Ptolemy V Epiphanes. In fact, new gods are introduced and integrated into the traditional pantheon: Dionysus, god of the Orphic Mysteries, is equated with Amun; Aphrodite Isis. But Serapis is one of the most popular: God native of Sinope, Serapis, he appears in a dream to Ptolemy V Epiphanes. On the advice of scientists and Timothy Manetho, the king decides that this is the Apis bull, worshiped at Memphis, and in which is embodied Osiris, god of the dead and reviving vegetation. Serapis is then equated with Zeus, the creator god, Asclepius, god of healing, and Hades, god of the Infernal holidays. So it quickly becomes a redemptive god, carrying a hope of salvation, who are also associates Dionysus, Isis and Anubis. Temples devoted to it in the cities of Alexandria and Memphis, where he neighbor, among others, with a portrait of Homer, surrounded by philosophers and poets. At the same time, the cult of Isis is gaining in importance. Donations Magician goddess placed above other gods and allowed him to resurrect her husband Osiris, the god as to triumph Ra, which she manages to guess the secret name. Devotees participating in the mysteries of his cult relive his passionate quest to find the pieces of the body of Osiris: they thus contribute to the resurrection of it. During the ceremonies, Isis consoling fact universal mother figure. It is through that pass the assurance of salvation, the survival beyond. The old taboos are always respected: a Roman was lynched for killing a cat in Bubastis, Bastet city. Furthermore, many traditional religions, including the sacred bull Bouchis are reinstated.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 10:04:04 +0000

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