Puppy Training Diary Op Ellie - Day 5 Day 5 was quiet ... - TopicsExpress


Puppy Training Diary Op Ellie - Day 5 Day 5 was quiet ... mostly! Ellie has realised Smokie the cat buries his landmines in the garden borders mentioned yesterday and has taken it upon herself to uncover them. This then involved me stomping round the garden to try and stop her, she thought that was a brilliant game!!. We had a few other games which I have broken down into countries starting with the country of my birth!. Scotland - she tries to be independent, but really she just wants a hug! Germany - when she wants too she just wont listen. France - she likes to roll over and surrender (for a belly rub) Italy - If she doesnt get what she wants from me, she switches sides and goes to Mum!. After the set backs of night 3 we conducted a sleep deprivation exercise and kept Ellie awake, either taking her out into the garden or playing with her. It only took 5 minutes to settle her and although she woke about 15 minutes later and had about a 5 minute cry she then settled herself down and slept through till 6am!! Almost 7 hours of crate time!. Today is my last full day with her until the weekend as I go back to work tomorrow, I think I may suffer from separation anxiety lol.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 10:03:46 +0000

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