Putin Calls Crimea an ‘Integral’ Part of Russia President - TopicsExpress


Putin Calls Crimea an ‘Integral’ Part of Russia President Vladimir V. Putin addressed Russian lawmakers on Tuesday. Maxim Shemetov / Reuters •Share • • By STEVEN LEE MYERS and PETER BAKER March 18, 2014 MOSCOW — Moving swiftly in the face of international condemnation, President Vladimir V. Putin declared his intention to make Crimea a part of the Russian Federation, defying the United States and Europe just hours after they imposed their first financial sanctions against Moscow since the crisis in Ukraine began. “Crimea has always been an integral part of Russia in the hearts and minds of people,” Mr. Putin declared in remarks that reached deep into Russian and Soviet history to justify the move. “That faith has been preserved and passed on from generation to generation.” Mr. Putin spoke in St. George’s Hall in the Grand Kremlin Palace before Russia’s entire political elite, including members of both houses of Parliament and the governors of the country’s regions. He spoke hours after he submitted the legislation to begin the process of annexation after a vote to secede from Ukraine that was hastily organized and conducted under the watch of thousands of Russian special operations troops. Mr. Putin’s moves — effectively upending the agreements that served as the foundation of a post-Cold War order in Europe — indicated that the Kremlin remained undaunted by international pressure, including a series of American and European sanctions against prominent political figures that were ridiculed as ineffectual after they were announced on Monday. A couple passed unidentified armed men on Monday in Simferopol, the capital of the Crimea region. Western countries see Crimea as still a part of Ukraine. Uriel Sinai for The New York Times Every time the United States and Europe have tried to draw a line in recent weeks, Mr. Putin has vaulted past it. The White House indicated that it had not gone after some members of Mr. Putin’s inner circle to leave room for its next move, which the Americans and Europeans might now have to consider making sooner than they expected. President Obama’s initial sanctions froze assets and banned travel for 11 Russian and Ukrainian figures, including Vladislav Y. Surkov, a longtime adviser to Mr. Putin; Dmitri O. Rogozin, a deputy prime minister of Russia; and Valentina I. Matviyenko, a Putin ally and the chairwoman of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s Parliament. The European Union followed with sanctions against 21 Russian and Ukrainian figures. The sweep of the sanctions was viewed as relatively modest, but Mr. Obama signaled he may go further by signing an executive order authorizing future action against Russia’s arms industry and the wealthy business figures who support Mr. Putin’s governing clique. “We’re making it clear that there are consequences for their actions,” Mr. Obama said as he announced the sanctions. “We’ll continue to make clear to Russia that further provocations will achieve nothing except to further isolate Russia and diminish its place in the world.” Video | U.S. Imposes New Sanctions on Russia President Obama announced sanctions aimed at President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle. In Simferopol, the Crimean capital, celebrations continued on Monday. Officials declared it a day off from work as officials announced that 97 percent of voters in Sunday’s referendum supported rejoining Russia. Legislators moved to complete the break from Ukraine, adopting a resolution declaring that the laws of Ukraine no longer applied to Crimea and that state funds and property in Crimea had been transferred to their new entity. Highlighting the tensions, the Ukrainian Parliament in Kiev approved a presidential decree authorizing the call-up of 20,000 reservists, and another 20,000 for a newly formed national guard. The interim government also increased the military budget with an emergency allotment of about $680 million. Moscow moved to welcome back Crimea, which was part of Russia for much of the past few centuries, until the Kremlin transferred it to control of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic in 1954; it remained under Ukraine when that became a separate country in 1991. Every faction in the Russian Parliament submitted draft legislation on Monday officially reversing that 60-year-old decision. The consensus in Moscow was so strong that even the last Soviet leader, Mikhail S. Gorbachev, whose role in the dissolution of the Soviet Union is deeply reviled in Russia, endorsed Crimea’s move, telling the Interfax news agency that its independence “should be welcomed and not met with the announcement of sanctions.” Cossacks installed a Russian flag and a Crimean flag on the roof of the City Hall building on Monday in Bakhchysarai, a city in central Crimea. Dan Kitwood / Getty Images He added, “If until now Crimea had been joined to Ukraine because of Soviet laws that were taken without asking the people, then now the people have decided to rectify this error.” The American sanctions targeted prominent Russian officials, but not those likely to have many overseas assets; the European list generally went after lower-level targets. As a result, the actions were met with derision and even mockery in Moscow. “This is a big honor for me,” said Mr. Surkov, once called the “gray cardinal” of the Kremlin and known as the architect of Mr. Putin’s highly centralized political system. He told a Russian newspaper that he had no assets abroad: “In the U.S., I’m interested in Tupac Shakur, Allen Ginsberg and Jackson Pollock. I don’t need a visa to access their work.” Mr. Rogozin, who oversees the defense industry, chided “Comrade Obama” in a Twitter message, noting that those on the list did not have assets abroad. Andrey Klishas, a member of the Federation Council, told Interfax that the measures against him “were no tragedy for me.” Yelena Mizulina, a member of the Duma, said in an email statement that she considered the sanctions “a rude violation of my rights and freedoms as a citizen and a politician.” Vladislav Surkov, one of President Vladimir V. Putin’s most influential advisers, was sanctioned by the United States, in coordination with Europe. Pool photo by Mikhail Klimentyev / Ria Novosti / Kremlin Others singled out by the United States on Monday were Sergei Glazyev, an economist who has been advising Mr. Putin on Ukraine, and Leonid Slutsky, another Duma member. The United States issued sanctions against two Russian-supported figures who have taken power in Crimea: Sergei Aksyonov, the newly declared prime minister, and Vladimir Konstantinov, the speaker of its Parliament. It also penalized Viktor F. Yanukovych, the former Ukrainian president and Moscow ally whose ouster amid pro-Western street protests last month led to the Russian invasion of Crimea, and Viktor Medvedchuk, the leader of a pro-Russia civil society group, Ukrainian Choice. The European list for sanctions included Mr. Aksyonov, Mr. Konstantinov, Mr. Klishas and Mr. Slutsky. Over all, the Europeans targeted 10 Russian politicians, seven pro-Russian Crimeans, three Russian military officers in Crimea and the former leader of Ukraine’s Black Sea Fleet, who defected to Russia this month. But the Europeans declined to go after elite figures like Mr. Surkov and Mr. Rogozin out of reluctance to poke Mr. Putin too directly. Dmitry Rogozin, a deputy prime minister in Russia. Sergei Karpukhin / Reuters Asked whether the European Union had failed to match tough words with strong actions, Radoslaw Sikorski, the Polish foreign minister, told journalists: “The U.S. is from Mars and Europe is from Venus. Get used to it.” He noted that “Europe is closer and will therefore pay a bigger cost for sanctions against Russia.” He also pointed to Europe’s collective decision-making process. “In the United States, one man takes a decision on the basis of an executive order,” Mr. Sikorski said, “whereas in Europe, for these measures to be legal, we need a consensus of 28 member states.” Diplomats said some European countries wanted to include as a sanctions target Dmitry K. Kiselyov, a Russian television anchor who warned during a broadcast of his country’s ability to “turn America into radioactive dust.” But his name was dropped amid objections from Finland and others that journalists should not be singled out, even those in state-controlled organizations. Valentina I. Matviyenko, a Putin ally and the chairwoman of the upper house of Russia’s Parliament. Pool photo by Yana Lapikova Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said the sanctions were not imposed lightly. “We wanted talks and a diplomatic solution, but the clear violation of international law yesterday with the so-called referendum meant we had to take this step, and I am glad that Europe showed such unity,” she said. American officials made clear they would ratchet up the pressure if Mr. Putin does not back down. They went immediately back to the Situation Room after the announcement to begin work on a next round of sanctions that could come as early as this week. Mr. Obama’s new executive order expanded the scope of his authority to target three groups: Russian government officials, the Russian arms industry and Russians who work on behalf of government officials, the latter called “Russian government cronies” by a senior American official. While targeting a limited number of individuals at first, administration officials said the scope of the new order was broader than any aimed at Moscow in decades. “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so,” said another senior official, who under the ground rules set by the administration was not identified. The bravado in Moscow struck some American officials as bluster masking real concern about the potential financial bite of future sanctions, and there is some evidence that Russians are anxiously pulling tens of billions of dollars out of American accounts. Nearly $105 billion was shifted out of Treasury custodial accounts by foreign central banks or other institutions in the week that ended last Wednesday, more than three times that of any other recent week. Mr. Obama held out hope that diplomacy may yet succeed, but he sent Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to Eastern Europe to meet with nervous NATO allies like Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia and reassure them of American resolve. Steven Lee Myers reported from Moscow, and Peter Baker from Washington. Reporting was contributed by David M. Herszenhorn from Simferopol, Ukraine; Andrew Higgins from Brussels; Alan Cowell from London; Andrew E. Kramer from Kiev, Ukraine; and Alison Smale from Berlin.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:32:15 +0000

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