Q. Despite my best efforts to live the spiritual life, the stress - TopicsExpress


Q. Despite my best efforts to live the spiritual life, the stress of dealing with the daily challenges I face seems to diminish or even cancel out any gains I make. What I would like to know is whether this is self-created or is it due to conditions and circumstances outside myself? A. Personal responsibility is the key attitude we must develop in order to transcend or outcreate our karma. What a beautiful system the Divine has created for us all, and yet, we can still sometimes harp on others or place the blame with them for our own current state of consciousness: He did this or that to me, or The boss does not understand who I am, or perhaps, My lover does not understand me, or Why am I going through all this grief? The beauty of life, of the divine law, is that no one can hurt you but yourself. Nothing is happening to you except the effects of what you have created, either in this life or a past life. You create a cause in thought or deed, and there is an equal and opposite effect. That is how the system works - cause and effect. No one is punishing you, nor are they responsible for your current attitudes and feelings, your state of consciousness - only you are. When you are able to take charge of your own causes, or actions, this will naturally spiritualize all effects that come to you as a result of those actions. Only then can your karmic burdens begin to dissolve. Taking charge of and being accountable for your own actions, or causes, is spiritual responsibility. This is the beginning of true action and true spiritual living. We are responsible for everything we have in our life, good or bad. All of our conditions in life are meant to help us come into greater harmony with divine truth and principle, to serve us, to teach us. This is the attitude we must develop and perceive from when viewing all circumstances and conditions in our lives. Without this armor of personal responsibility, we live in a state of reaction and continue to sow the seeds of karma, reaping only further karmic effects. Many people have developed a strong sense of personal responsibility, and their unique journey of soul has brought them to a position where they recognize, at least in degree, that they are responsible for much of what exists in their lives. Only a rare few have evolved to the point of accepting complete responsibility for everything. Those in the former group are partially successful in transcending or outcreating aspects of their karma, but how are we to rise above this level of partial success and limited results? You can only transcend your karma fully when the soul is realized. Only when you elevate your attention and energy beyond the lower planes and live life from the elevated perspective of the realized soul, fully attuned to the Sound Current, can you completely outcreate karmic tendencies, for these tendencies thoroughly penetrate and rule the physical body, as well as our emotional and mental selves. I wish to be very clear that only through spiritual unfoldment, or awakening the soul to the point of genuine Self Realization, can our karmic attitudes, beliefs, and modes of behavior be fully transcended. Truly taking charge of your own behavior and becoming fully responsible for your causes are the results of awakening the soul. Living beyond the reach of karma is one of the great promises of the Path of Sound, and of course, it is also one of the primary objectives of the student. Once you are established within the soul consciousness, there is little chance that karma can touch you, simply because you have risen in consciousness above the dual forces of life, the polarities of good and bad, or right and wrong. When the soul is awakened to the point of Self Realization, you now have a vehicle, or faculty, that is in resonance and harmony with the Sound Current. You can tune right into the essence of any given situation, event, or subjective thought or feeling and manifest truth, Spirit, and love in the moment. You are no longer the effect of karma, social conditioning, tendencies, and the past. This is the true freedom of Spirit that all sincere seekers long for - and you can have it. All of the precious souls in the world have experienced and are experiencing problems and situations in life relating to their karma, whether it be a drinking problem, a drug problem, a relationship or work issue, melancholy, boredom, or even depression. The true Master wants only to help the soul, and this is the Inner Masters area of expertise. The Inner Master literally yearns to work with sincere chelas twenty-four hours a day, for it is His duty to assist them in unraveling the burdens of their karma, whether it consists of iron shackles or golden chains. A genuine Master can and will assist you in consciously coming into contact with your own soul, your own true and divine essence, and then together, from a position in consciousness that is above the mind and all duality, you and the Master can ferret out the causes behind all of the crippling effects you are living under and then straighten them out. Some can be rectified almost immediately, while others may take the course of a lifetime, if you are sincere. May I say, karma is actually a puffball - it is literally nothing, for it lacks real substance. Once we are able to transcend the mind, then all karmic tendencies, demeaning behaviors, and questionable attitudes are exposed for what they are - simple limitations in viewpoint, not solid, immovable realities. ~ Excerpt from Souls Divine Journey by Sri Gary Olsen. (For a free copy and to continue reading please go to masterpath.org/sdj-download.php)
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 14:33:37 +0000

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