QIYAMULLAILI(NIGHT WORSHIP) VS. KALAMULLAILI(NIGHT TALK) Bismillah,wassalatu wassalam,ala Rasulillah wa ala Aalihi wa ashabihi wa man wala,amma baad .Auzu billahi min Ash-shaidaanirrajiim ,bimillahi rrahmaanirrahim Inna anzalnaahu fii lailatil Qadr,wamaa adraka maa lailatul Qadr ?,lailatul Qadri khairun min alfi shahar,Tanazzalul malaikatu warrahu fiiha biizni Rabbihim min kulli amrin.Salamun hiya hatta madlail fajr. Rabbi Ishrah lii Sadrii ,wa yassirli amrii,wahlul uqdatan min lisaani ,yafqahuu qaulii. My brothers and sisters in Islam I great all of you with islamic greetings ;Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.may the peace, mercy,blessings of Al-mighty Allah be on all of you. It is my great plessure and honor to remind you what may be you know ,or you dont know or you want to know more about it.As we all knows we are in the month of Ramadan ,in which the last testament,the holy scripture ever revealed ,the solution to the problems of humanity,the preacher,the Zikr,the criteria between right and wrong,the encyclopidia of the revealed Books of Allah ,the light ,the evidence as well as the guider to the right way of Jannah was revealed. This blessed month may be the last time you may ever witness as you know many among those you knows were alive last year,but destiny usher them to their graves,subhanallah. We have witness tha first ten days of the month and we have witness may be the middle ten days of the month ,now here comes the last ten days.Eventhough all the days of Ramadan are very important you may agree with me that the last ten days are more expensive and important than the rest.Because among them was a night in which the all heavens and the earth are filled with blessings ,forgiveness as well as distribution of the tickets of jannah,may Allah grant us. As the result of that ,the holy prophet (peace be unto him) use to tie his belt and serve Allah all over the nights of this days (last ten days of Ramadan) likwise his companions as well as the tabiun. But nowadays many among the muslims (especially the youths) ignore the importance of engaging themselves in the nights of these days,they rather engage in night talks or free calls . Fa khalafa min baadihim khalfun adaussalata wattabau sh-shahawaat , fasaufa yalqauna gayya. Supposing one of you leaders who is always on trips decided to meet with everyone of you once in a year ,please will you like to do something else on that very they ?,no.so why should you waste your time by doing Kalamullail instead of Qiyaamullaili ?.A wise saying says opportunity comes but once.Alaikum anfusakum,laa yagurrannakumu ash-shaidaan ilaa an tudayyiuu auqaatikum.waalamu annallaha amarakum bi daatihi likai yudkhilakumul jannah.Alaikum bil qiyaami fii hazihi allayaal wala tudayyiuuha bi kalamullail .man faala maa shaa laqiya maa saa.wa aakhiru daawana anilhamdu lillahi Rabbil Aalamin
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:56:58 +0000

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