Quantum Mechanics If you havent dove into the world of Quantum - TopicsExpress


Quantum Mechanics If you havent dove into the world of Quantum Physics yet, please take an hour out of your day and get the basic concepts down. They are easy to understand with an open mind, and the ideas start to connect to every day life. Quantum Physics is not a new thing, its always been going on behind the scenes. In short, science has finally found a language to describe magic, the magic that has created the universe. Well, so what if its always been there, what difference does it make to learn about it? Since its always been around, does understanding it have any direct effect on day to day life? Perhaps technology can begin to implement the knowledge of Quantum Mechanisms into usable tech, and yes they have already begun doing that with computer processing. Not to mention how splitting the atom change the face of warfare and displayed the unthinkable potential that humans posses. But if youre not a tech savy person in this life, how can YOU still USE it to your advantage? Well, as I mentioned, science has finally found a language to describe magic. Magic being phenomenon, that to the naked eye, is nearly impossible to understand. Without fancy equiptment, its hard to understand and visualize that the sun is radiating various types of energy to earth. Its hard to understand initially that before something is a particle, its a wave of pure potential. You cant see waves of energy, however, you are waves of energy. Pay close attention to this next piece. A problem that scientists seem to run into alot is what they call, obseverving or measuring. What happens is, when you observe a wave form, it collapses and becomes a particle with a fixed point. Waves have a potential to exist in many places, even at the same time. Once the wave is observed or measured, the wave collapses to a fixed point and becomes a particle. This makes it quite difficult for scientists to study wave forms. Each time the wave collapses the outcome is different. When scientists cant find consistancy in test results, they have trouble creating a formula to describe the functions. This is in part known as the Uncertainty Principle. The moral of this story is one that you should remember. Observation affects reality. When you look at an object, you envoke its visual information to a solid particle shape. This might sound strange, wasnt the object always there? Yes and no. Everything exists in both quantum wave form, and quantum particle form. Thats why you can look into a microscope and see tiny objects that are made of more tiny objects. These things are waves of energy, and observing them creates the physical images that your eyes and mind comprehend. My language might not be fully scientifically correct, however, most scientists refuse to describe quantum physics outside of numbers, because it starts to sound silly...like magic... Things just popping out of the void because you looked in that direction. And it also makes US sound pretty powerful, like we envoke reality through our thoughts. So now Im going to cross over, as I like to do, into spiritual language. This is not uncommon these days, many young brilliant scientists are studying religious practices/philosophy in order to better understand the universe scientifically. I personally believe that in the future, we will have a common language that will encompass both. Spiritualists believe in the soul, the manifestation of the universe into one body, and since we are all the universe in many bodies, we are all connected as one. This is the understanding of many religions. Even Christianity, God is everything, we are all part of God, therefore we are all one with the cosmos. So how does this relate to Quantum Physics? Quantum Physics states that all solid particles are waves of energy, that collapse to a fixed position when observed. What is observing the energy? What is so powerful it could collapse pure energy, pure potential, into what we call physical reality? How about the soul? The energtic self that underlines your physical self. The soul that is the accumulation of the universes power focused through the lense that you understand as your conscious self. Your mind, your body, the universe, all connected, and quantum physicians are close to having words to describe it. I hope by now, or soon, you will have a basic understanding of these ideas, in your own language of course. But please study both religious philosophy as well as scientific philosophy. The world needs both to proceed. Now, let us get to the fun stuff. How can we use this information to make our lives a little more interesting?To be honest, thats all up to you. When I say infinite potential I mean it. You have the ability to fly, to project your visual perception beyond your body, to walk through solid objects, to live free of pain and sickness, and never leave your current form. Or even, change your current form if it makes you happy. All it takes is observation...thought...your belief and dedication to doing something with your reality that you imagined and felt happy about. It can also happen with things that make you feel sad. You create the things that you are scared of as well. There are certain things one must consider. When you meet people that deny you your asperations, you have to understand that these people, are you. You are one in the same as them. This concept is often the hardest concept to wrap your head around, but dont be afraid. As you read this, understand that Im not trying to trick you. I am you. I feel it, and Ive dedocated my life to helping myself, all of my selves, everyone. If you can trust me, you can trust yourself, all of yourselves. You, in a way, are writing this as much as I am. If you feel like you know all of these concepts already, and feel frustrated that it is not widely understood amoung the rest of the human bodies, relax. The fact the you understand this means the rest of yourselves are now closer to also understanding. So please continue unto what feels good and righteous. When you benifit yourself, you benifit the world. As long as you are not sacrificing your other selves in order to benfit your single human body that you are currently in. That would be like only taking care of your right leg, while doing nothing for your left leg, in the end and on the way to it, you will be incomplete. This is why love and compassion are important aspects of a better life. You have to take care of everyone to take care of yourself, and vice versa. Your quantum reality is what you make it. Thoughts are observations that effect reality. This is why understanding concepts helps one to change the world and use the magic that we are all part of to create a world we will love 100 percent. And beyond that, a universe that we will thrive in. Fear is an observation that creates pain, while Love is an observation that creates happiness. Which will you choose to observe? -Thomas
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 21:16:35 +0000

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