[Quran 86:5-7] SPERM OR SEMEN PRODUCED FROM BETWEEN THE SPINE AND THE RIBS ?? Let man look at (and bear in mind) the substance he is created from! (He is) created from the surging fluid, which springs from between the spine and the ribs! 86:5-7 The Quran simply states that man is created from the ejaculated fluid, which is emitted from within the abdomen. (From “between the ribcage and the spine”) No mention of semen production. Semen DOES NOT COME from the testicles, period! It is neither produced in the testicles, nor does it come from the testicles during the time of coitus! And that is a scientific fact! Thirteen centuries ago even the scientific community thought that semen is produced in the testicles. A pity! many people think so even today ! The semen contains many things. Between 95 to 98% of it consists of fructose, prostaglandin hormones, metal and salt ions, lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, basic amines, and amino acids. All those are produced from the glands located in abdomen. Between 2 to 5% of it consists of the sperms produced in the testicles. Semen is stored in vesicles that lie in the abdomen. From there it is ejaculated during coitus. The Quran does not say where semen is produced. Just where it comes from during coitus! CAN THE SPERM ALONE FERTILIZE THE HUMAN OVUM? Sperm alone cannot even move very well. They need energy to swim to the egg and penetrate it. That is provided by fructose, a sugar produced by the seminal vesicles. Prostaglandin hormones are needed to suppress an immune response by the female against the foreign semen. Zinc is needed to stabilize the DNA of the sperms. Metal and salt ions are needed to make the pH of the vaginal cavity favorable for the sperm to survive. Lipids, steroid hormones, enzymes, basic amines, and amino acids are also needed to perform vital functions. The ejaculated fluid has all that is needed, including the sperms (2-5% sperms, 95-98% other ingredients). The statement of the Quran is absolutely correct! During coitus semen is ejaculated from the two storage areas called the seminal vesicles, and NOT FROM THE TESTICLES. What is definitely excluded is the scrotal pouch, which is below the spine! Semen does not spring from there during coitus! Also excluded is the thorax, since it is not between the ribcage and the spine, but is rather inside the ribcage. The area not excluded is the abdomen and the pelvic cavity! The Quran is 100% correct. Semen is stored in the seminal vesicles to be ejaculated during coitus. The exact Arabic words: Bain usSulbe watTaraib Sulb = backbone, loin, lower back; Taraib = ribs, breastbone, chest. Bain = between, among, amidst It is a phrase in Arabic that is similar to the English phrase, “somewhere between the front and the back” It would mean that the semen springs from “somewhere between the front and the back” of the body. In other words, somewhere from inside the body! If one was to draw a line from the tip of the coccyx, to the upper portion of the seminal vesicle _ either one of the two_ and extend the line forward it will catch the ribcage. The seminal vesicles from which the semen spurts out during coitus, lies between the ribs and the coccyx!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 19:08:13 +0000

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