RADICAL ISLAM IS A PURE CREATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND EUROPE . youtube/watch?v=2IsTLyjPzTU IT WOULD HAVE BEEN WHEN THE US AND EUROPE DID NOT CREATE A MONSTER SUCH AS ISIS THAT THEY DENOUNCE AND FIGHT TODAY JUST BECAUSE ISIS TURNED AGAINST ITS CREATORS. AND THE CIVILIZATION WOULD NOT HAVE ENDORSED AN UMPTEENTH BATTLE. Just check with the following ; The scenario repeats. This was the same in 1991, 2001, 2003. The Play Station War made in USA proceeds and Arab lives continue to pass away. Yesterday The US and their allied from Europe (Great Britain, France and Germany) were arming ISIS for throwing Bashar Al Assad from his position, going up if necessary until the extinction of the whole population of Syria (which is still under way). Today, the same murderers turn against ISIS with the same spectacular and barbaric productions as in 1991, 2001, 2003 in Iraq and Afghanistan and tomorrow they will complete their shame and dishonour with asking Bashar Al Assad contributing to fight against ISIS. This is nothing else than madness that must be stopped one way or another for the sake of the whole humanity not only Arabs and Moslems that are presently systematically designated as the target to be clearly destroyed, in all media detained by the overwhelming technology of the Occident. This is Occident against Islam and it is a war clearly declared and assumed by all leaders, heads and representatives in the US and Europe. When one presently listens to David Cameron denouncing the « terrorists » and stating that with ISIS, we are facing the most serious threat ever experienced or Barack Obama castigating the barbarity of ISIS after the barbaric execution of James Foley and Steven Sotloff, one wishes to state them face to face « stop lying to your public opinions ». The same reproach can be addressed to François Hollande and to all western leaders that feign to discover the Jihadist threat while they are just more than responsible in the rise of the Islamist terrorism and the destabilization (also destruction) of the Middle-East and Northern Africa area. Is it needed to remind that it is a certain Zbigniew Brzezinski ; former Security Adviser to President Jimmy Carter ; also adviser to Barack Obama during the last presidential campaign that promoted in the 1970s the « Green Belt » doctrine consisting in using the Islamist sphere of influence, with as pivots countries, the Gulf Oil Monarchies, Turkey and Pakistan for fighting against the Soviet Communism ? Afghanistan has been the experiencing ground for this strategy. And since then, despite the collapse of the former USSR and the end of what was named the « socialist side » in Eastern Europe, Washington and its allied have kept this strategy oriented towards Arab and Moslem countries endowed with regimes formerly Moscow allied. In their line of sight, Syria, Iraq, Algeria despite the right-handed turn of President Chadli Bendjedid, countries headed by authoritarian regimes to which Washington preferred Islamist regimes. This was besides what has been stated by the former Assistant Secretary of State to Bill Clinton, Robert Pelletreau, explicitly wishing the emergence of Islamist regimes spreading from the Arabian Gulf to the Atlantic as his assessment was that they will favour the American interests. Getting back to David Cameron, let us remind that London was the turning plate of World Islamism in the 1980s and 1990s. From the Algerian side, The FIS, AIS and GIA were well-established (in London), publishing their own newspapers and explicitly claiming their misdeeds in a complete impunity. The same held for their sponsors, Egyptian Abou Hamza, Jordanian Abou Qoutada, Syrian Omar Bakri that have legitimated through fatwas the massacres perpetrated in the Algerian Mitidja and the attempts of the Islamic Jihad in Egypt before legitimating the World Center Attack. Let us just remind that for these radical Jihadists having profited from bed and cover in London, Palestine did not stand as a priority. Thus, after having originated the birth of the monster, the western capitals feign to discover only presently all horrors committed by the Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq. But, when they decided already in 2011 to support the Syrian opposition with supplying it with a military (logistic and technical) assistance, actually feeding the civil war in Syria, instead of endeavoring for constraining the protagonists (authorities and opposition) to negotiate, they were fully aware of the actual situation. They knew moreover that the foreign volunteers coming and enlisting in the ranks of ISIS and the Al Nosra Front as well as the arms, transited through Turkey and Jordan. It is well known that Southern Turkey, country being a NATO member, is used as a back base by all kinds of Jihadists and that Ankara does not do anything against those volunteers coming from Europe, Maghreb, Central Asia, for joining the ranks of the IS and the Al Nosra Front. They knew that the Jihadists had overcome the Syrian Free Army and that they committed mass crimes. As they also knew that these furious mad people were financed and armed by the Gulf oil monarchies ; which has been publicly officialized by the Arab League Summit on March 2013. Those dispositions have been approved by John Kerry stating that President Obama explicitly said that the US will not obstruct countries that had decided to supply rebels with arms ; either France, the UK or others. In their sordid logic, Washington and their European and Arab allied assumed that the setting of a caliphate astride Iraq and Syria would allow to put Syria vise-like and fasten the fall of Bashar Al Assad. The foregoing describes the present state of Middle-east and Northern Africa as shaped by the US and Europe. Such demoniac activities from Americans and Europeans are the application of woolly theories as developed in the US and Europe for designating Islam and the Moslem area as the first target to be destroyed as a major threat to the Occident. This is Zbignew Brezinski bis and few months ago, Tony Blair publicly restated such allegations. Hillary Clinton too recognized at the US Congress that CIA had trained Ben Laden and Al Qaida members in view of the American interests (one of them issuing at the World Trade Center, New York on a certain 11 September 2001). There is only one way for stopping all this.It is with a radical change of the policies of the United States of America and at least few states in Europe, Great Britain, France and Germany. These four countries have been at the origin of all the misfortunes of humanity since at least two centuries. The American policy is the sole cause of all the tragic disorder that has struck this planet since the end of the Second World War. Meanwhile, we have undergone Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, Iran, Irak, Libya, Syria, the list is endless and this is not finished. Only public opinions, well informed and aware can stop this. Which means that this will be a long fight, battle, struggle for avoiding the tragic and horrible fate that two mad entities named the US and Europe (one billion people together) want to reserve to the remaining six billion inhabitants in this planet. WHICH IS THE TARGET ? ISIS, BASHARS REGIME OR TO REDRAW THE MENA MAP ? We continue in the following our description of all tragedies induced by the mad policy of the US and their european allied in the Middle-East, tragedies under way or tragedies to come. In this short issue, we focus on the whys and wherefores of the presently engaged military actions against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Since the beginning of what is named the Syrian uprising, Washington just prepared to fight against Bashars regime. Americans were waiting for that moment to come. But years passed and the conflict continued. The Syrian opposition, dominated by the Muslim Brothers and supported by the Gulf Oil Monarchies and above all by France (the sole country to recognize them under probably the advices of Bernard-Henri Levy) was at the end little visible. Washington that expected a repetition of the Libyan scenario seemed to resign accepting a political solution based on a compomise between the Syrian regime and its opponents. But the advent of ISIS or Daesh that took the control of 40% of the Iraqi territory and committed atrocities against the Shiites and the Christian and Yazidi minorities, claiming to take possession of Baghdad, reshuffled cards in the Middle-East, giving the opportunity to Washington for leading an international coalition and fighting against ISIS not only in Iraq but also in Syria and this without guaranteeing to return to the borders that stood before the Iraqi and Syrian civilian wars. At the origin, ISIS supported and armed by the Gulf Oil Monarchies but also by Turkey whose part of the territory is used as a back base by the Jihadists, has been created for fighting both against the Iraqi regime dominated by the Shiites, allied of Tehran and against the regime of Bashar Al Assad. But since ISIS deviated from the frame defined by its Arab and Turkish sponsors, first with trying to control the whole Syrian and Arab Islamist sphere of influence , then with deciding to get free from the trusteeship of the Gulf monarchies with establishing a State astride Iraq and Syria before extending their caliphate to the whole of the Middle-East, it is obvious that their Saudi, Emirati and Qatari sponsors would not leave them to do so. In view on this, only the US have the necessary military means for containing ISIS. But, and we shall show this below, the target of Washington and its allied is not ISIS but, really, the Syrian regime. Indeed, few days before the meeting of the Paris conference on the security in Iraq, Barack Obama asked to the Congress to adopt a plan allowing to equip and train, without any other precision, the insurgents so assumed to be « moderate » for fighting against ISIS. This is the explanation for the fact that the US have restricted their attacks only to ISIS Jihadists, sparing the Al Nosra Front (Syrian branch of Al Qaida) and the Jihadists of the Islamic Front of which Ahrar Cham is the spearhead. But regarding these two movements and others whose aim of establishing a politico-religious theocracy is clearly assumed with instituting Sharia in the territories that they control, are they not also guilty of crimes and executions of soldiers and civilians ? Is the fact of sparing them the result of a deal concluded between their sponsors of the Gulf countries and the US ? With intervening militarily in Syria, do Washington and Paris expect to eliminate both ISIS and the Syrian regime ? And be this as it may, for which result and for whose profit ? Surely not for the profit of the forces for the change in Syria that have in many declarations stated both for a political solution of the crisis, implying the withdrawal of Bashar Al Assad and the end of his regime and against any military solution that could lead to a programmed fragmentation of Syria and from this, threatening other national States, which would issue in a generalized chaos in the Mifddle-East. This military interventionism in the Middle-East is to be understood in an Atlanticist logic of domination and subjugation of peoples in the Middle-East to the interests of America and Europe with, in the background the objective of fully redrawing the geographical map of the MENA area, and this with the active complicity of the Islamists and their sponsors in the Middle-East. Such a mad policy needs to stop. But how ? At this step, it is not possible to anticipate to which extent the undertaking of destruction conducted by Europe and America in the whole Arab area will lead. Such a destruction is still underway. Possibly also, States or countries that are not presently touched will be targeted tomorrow, depending on the evolution of what Americans and Europeans name their interests. From the Arab side, there is only one way for hoping to stop this. It is with relying on the public opinions in the Occident. But this will be a long way and meanwhile, destructions continue. It is not even possible to resist like in Algeria (1954 – 1962, 1,5 million dead) or in Vietnam (1945 – 1954 and 1961 - 1975, 3,5 million dead) just because nowadays, wars are Play Station wars.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 03:03:29 +0000

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