RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. OPEN SCIENTIFIC PRAYER TO RAISE OUR VIBRATION AND SEND HEALING TO GAZA, ITS PEOPLES, THE WORLD, AND THE ZOMBIES RUNNING THE GOVERNMENTS: Infinite Divine Intelligence, Divine FORCE OF CREATION, Open up the minds of those whose consciousness is ready to take action, but due to shame of their spiritual power they hide behind the veils of a business image, a self righteous thought, or think and believe in the limiting thought that their spiritual force cannot change the world. Bless those in the media, to start broadcasting ways to awaken humanity from ignorance through films, and images that educate the human spirit to grow. Apply the universal law of karma also to those who do good deeds by delivering to them the power of discernment, non judgment, and igniting their soul on fire to transmute the violence of the world inflicted in our women, children, and men to alchemize in to the force of alignment of the universal law of love. Give more abundance to those whose work, is the Great work of spirit, and are aligned with the higher ethics where the universe keeps creating itself to be as a fair corrective system through the law of polarity. Take away the free will from those who have not yet learn how to use it, and shield them with the power of getting their mind out of programs that have them blindly obey and be loyal to authoritative and idolatry figures of churches, governments, and tyrants disguised as leaders, who unaware of their choices, create so much destruction on Earth. Give an outlet to the voice of those who KNOW WHAT TO DO, who know HOW TO THINK, who recognize, feel, see, and hear, every moment of their existence the power that love has not as an emotional outlet, but as an alchemical force for change. May all the true servant leaders rise in a movement where Higher Conscious Education shall take place, where the holy books will be used as metaphors to defeat only the enemy within, rather than using them to fear Allah, and God, in all its manifestations. For God is benevolence and GRACE, not FEAR. Infinite divine intelligence, I was death once, and saw the place where souls go to which many call heaven, show those with the sense of response-abilty a piece of this heaven while on EARTH. Remove the fears from those who can awaken others into love. Remove the fears from those who could do something, but dont because they stay thinking that their family is just one, two, and three people only. Awaken the already AWAKENED ones, and have them invest and do whatever it takes, so that their call and message can reach mothers, teachers, fathers, warriors,goddesses, scientists, teachers, leaders, and mentors, help them to jump in to the void of risk, and commit to aim their work in powerful levels that will reach the mind of those who can create change. Yes, beloved source of creation, golden field of love, aim the collective mind to what is good, the healers, the gurus, authors, the entrepreneurs, the leaders.....so the manifested creation of the collective, will be even more benevolent than what we imagine it to be. Raise the hertz frequency vibrations of our thoughts. The media now is showcasing hertz frequency below 20 hertz which generate fear....and keep humanity trapped in this frequency...release this now. Awaken the need in all those with moral ethics on the importance of meditation, proper use of high frequency words, and alignment, elegance, and congruency with their actions. I pray today, that those who read this prayer and have the power to do so, TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION....and GO FEARLESSLY SERVE BIG OUR WORLD. May we all eradicate judgment, righteousness, and take our ME, and turn it into a WE to serve power-fully NOW the whole. Oh yes because Waiting in the hall of WHEN THE RIGHT MOMENT COMES is postponing the gift of life, where we all were granted to experience being human in the human family. May we raise our vibration today, by letting go of our fears, and letting God into our hearts. And when temptation comes for us to hate, to feel the need of revenge, to showcase images and words of anger and fear, may we all immediately make a different choice, and start to change the vibration of everything, by the power of our core resonance that can crate waves and tsunamis of transformation and good. Its not aout YOU, R E M E M B E R , its not YOUR thing...it is not even YOU the superhero.....it is a WE, THE COLLECTIVE SUPERHERO CALLED THE HUMAN FAMILY. MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT, AND ALL LOVE AND LIGHT PRAYERS TO ANYONE IN THE WORLD GAZA, MEXICO, IRAK, USA, CHINA....WHEREVER IN THE WORLD, THAT NEEDS A PRAYER OF STRENGTH. THE POWER OF THE MIND ALIGNED WITH THE HEART HAS U N L I M I T E D POTENTIAL...LETS USE IT WISELY. Ivonne. please share Namaste. #atm #itsaWEmision
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 15:16:45 +0000

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