(RANT WARNING!) I love music! All music. Even the songs that - TopicsExpress


(RANT WARNING!) I love music! All music. Even the songs that seem to be nothing but a pointless string of common words and phrases barely touching any subject matter and a half-thought-out melody that ends up basically making me wish I could remove the brain cells containing said waste-of-time (Lil White, Im looking at you) are something to, unfortunately, admire. There is something about combining words and instruments that exceeds the capabilities of other mediums. Paintings, sculptures, movies, comics and all those that incorporate visual elements to convey a message or those that lack any real audible or visual stimulus but rely on a guided-imagery to convey their message (books, editorials, etc.) somehow lack the ability to forcefully, yet comfortingly, pull a persons entire awareness into one focal point. Somehow, that combination of select sounds generated from some cold, dead piece of technology added to a gentle string and then overwhelmed by a vicious and delicate voice can completely change the base facts of the world, shift time and memory or make the whole of existence stop all movement, not a single atom vibrating at any quantum frequency for even the smallest fraction of a second, and all that is becomes a dedicated audience to what was, what is or what may be. There is this inherent ability to connect with music that goes to the very core of who we are and what we truly, beyond all the social pressure and surface decisions, are and wish to be. Everyone has, at least that one song that reminds them of events that happened ten or twenty years ago. There is the song that makes you look forward to the future and dream of the wonderful possibilities. There is the one that makes you look ahead and fear what may lie in wait. There is the song that connects you to your first love, to your children, to a very special pet that has sadly left the pat on the head they so enjoyed and/or the one that simply collects all of the world you have experienced into one, brilliant and terrifying three-and-a-half minutes. Some part of the creators mind and being is passed along within every note and lyric uttered, which is an amazing feat on its own, but even more impressive is how those complex ideas can sway our own action. Some songs contain these upbeat, happy-sounding melodies but some of the most poetic and depressing lyrics a human being could create. Somewhere in that mix there is the inspiration for hope, a subtle hint that someone else in the world feels just as horrible and, with just that connection, passes on a sense that, Maybe things arent that bad. There is music that can induce the bodies production of adrenaline and force specific personalities into impressive, though often foolish, displays of exactly how primal and brutal mankind can be even on the smallest of scales. I have no real point to this tangent. It was just a random idea that crossed my mind.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:51:05 +0000

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