[RANT — BREASTFEEDING] Its a hot-button issue as of late. From - TopicsExpress


[RANT — BREASTFEEDING] Its a hot-button issue as of late. From the Starbucks barista who defended a breastfeeding mom in Ottawa, Canada (yhoo.it/VdztBd) to the 25-year-old California State University, Long Beach graduate, breastfeeding her daughter while wearing her cap and gown (abcn.ws/TDmKXc), everyone has an opinion—and usually, its that women shouldnt be doing that disgusting thing in public. My question is: Why is this such a big deal for so many people? Perhaps Im not entitled to an opinion, as Im a man and as such without the ability to breastfeed. But... *clears throat* — whatever; like thats gonna stop me. *evil smirk* In all honesty, I dont understand the issue. Its a natural thing; whats disgusting about it? A child is being fed... and its usually being performed under a cover-up. But the anger and/or strong opinions I simply dont understand. Are there are times (in my non-judgmental opinion) that it doesnt quite fit with the surroundings? Yes. Case in-point: A company for which I sat on the Advisory Board had a female CEO with a newborn, and she chose to breastfeed during the board meeting. My opinion: She should have excused herself and delayed the meeting... but not because anyone was uncomfortable (she was covered), but because the baby was fussy and was a distraction during the meeting. And although there are other examples many can cite, the vast majority of situations arent that big of a deal. Moreover, the hypocrisy that breastfeeding conjures is one that is head-scratchingly crazy... and rest assured that the hypocrisy is blatant and glaring. Need an example? Breastfeeding a child, even if the aforementioned breast isnt in plain/open view of the pubic? That mother needs to prepare herself for the onslaught of: Disgusting! Inappropriate! Stop doing that in public! Im really uncomfortable with you doing that. Can you tell that woman to stop? I have a nine-year-old here with me, and that is inappropriate. BUT... Miley Cyrus grinding on Robin Thickes junk broadcast out to millions (probably including that same nine-year-old as a viewer)? Empowered. Sweats with JUICY scripted across a 14-year-old cheerleaders butt? Cute. Walking in the mall in shorts so short that her ass is hanging out the bottom? In-style. Posing on Instagram half-naked? Aspiring model. For me, the rampant anger that accompanies this issue highlights something that is missing in the world... and its not tolerance. Tolerance is defined as: the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. Instead, whats needed is ACCEPTANCE. And... a healthy dose of Mind Your Own Damned Business.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:01:34 +0000

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