RATHER THAN BELIEVING THE GOP AND FOX RHETORIC I WOULD SUGGEST LOOKING IN TO THE FACTS YOURSELF RATHER THAN BELIEVING SPIN ANS GOP and FOX NEWS DISTORTION. HERE ARE JUST A FEW: Obama has been the biggest spending President in history! FALSE. Year to year spending increases have been less than 1%. They’re also at their lowest rate of year to year increases since Eisenhower. Obama has spent more than all other Presidents in history! FALSE. On January 20, 2009 our national debt was $10.6 trillion, today it’s $16.7 trillion—for a $6.1 trillion increase. For the mathematically challenged, $6.1 trillion is less than $10.6 trillion. This also doesn’t factor in the money spent in 2009, which gets tagged to President Obama, was actually passed by Bush. *This also doesn’t take into account much of the cost of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars had not been put on our books by the Bush administration. Obama is a Muslim! FALSE. You’re an idiot and I’m not even going to explain why. Obama isn’t an American! FALSE. See above. Obama is a Communist/Socialist/Fascist! FALSE. They’re all different—it’s impossible to be all 3. Then with stocks setting new records, having their best 10 day stretch since 1996, and increasing by more than 100% since their lows in 2009…he would be the worst Communist, Socialist or Fascist that has ever existed. Obama is always on vacation! FALSE. President Obama took 131 vacation days in his first 4 years in office. That puts him on pace for 262 days during 8 years in the White House. By contrast Bush took 1,020 days (including a 5-week vacation–the longest by any President in nearly 4 decades), and Reagan took 484 days. Once again for the mathematically challenged, Obama is on pace to take fewer vacations than both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. The economy has gotten worse under Obama! FALSE. Are you insane, have selective memory or both? In February 2009, we lost 651K jobs. In February 2013, we added 236K jobs. Again, for the mathematically challenged, that’s a positive shift of 887K jobs from our losses in February 2009 to our gains in February 2013. I’ve seen the rebuttal to these numbers, so I’ll squash it right now before moving on: Those jobs numbers are a lie! No, they’re from the same source which Republicans have used to saddle Obama’s job losses (from his first year in office… and only his first year). So you can’t use a source to support your argument, then ignore that very same source when it no longer supports what you want to believe. Unemployment is at record highs! FALSE. Unemployment hit a high during November 2009 of 10%, it’s now at 7.7%. I can already hear the Republican rebuttal to this one as well, “But that doesn’t include the people who have stopped looking for work!” I hate to burst your bubble, but the unemployment rate never includes those who have given up looking for work. This isn’t a shift in what defines our unemployment rate, this is how it has been calculated for quite some time. Fun history lesson: When Reagan took office, unemployment was at 7.5%. Within his first 18 months in office unemployment shot all the way up to 10.8%.
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 21:27:34 +0000

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