READ ME PART TWO ON OBEDIENCE WHAT OBEDIENCE IS NOT! 1. Obedience unto God is not forceful God cannot force is obedience on anyone. For everyman is going to choose the path he wanted in this short life. He can only plead to you that, please, don’t follow the part of evil; please, don’t cross over to destruction, please, don’t die without me. Read ……. Ezk. 18: 30-31; Deut. 30:19; 2. Obedience unto God is not a fleshly activity God is a spirit…… and those that will worship and serve him must do so in the spirit and truth. For those that are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God Rom. 8:8 3. Obedience unto God is not an ON and OFF way of life It is not a kind of life that worship God today and serve mammon tomorrow. It is not a kind of life that goes to church today and attends parties tomorrow. It is not a kind of life that attends Ogun festival today and attend harvests anniversary in the church tomorrow. It is not a kind of life that behave as a Christian in School but as a jezebel at home vis-à-vis. It is a total consecrated way of life to God. 4. Obedience unto God is not acceptable in pretence Titus 1: 16; Isah. 29: 13; Jer. 9:6-9; Lk. 20:20-26 They are the ravenous wolves in sheep clothing. They are black with white garments. They are killers with gentle appearance. God made mention of them in the scripture that they came to me in pretence. He knew them in the first place. 5. Obedience unto God is not complete with an imperfect heart God deals with the heart of men. He said ‘I the Lord examine the heart……..,” so, for the fact that all hearts must go through rigorous testing and examination by God, no one can deceive God or serve him half-heartedly. TRUST AND OBEY, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY, TO BE HAPPY IN JESUS, THAN TO TRUST AND OBEY…… IF YOU HEAR HIS VOICE TODAY! DO NOT HEARDEN YOUR HEART!
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 06:44:08 +0000

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