READ THIS INTERESTING COLUMN BY THE VETERAN JOURNALIST HAJIYA BILKISU YUSUF! MAULUD: A MESSAGE OF UNITY Published on Thursday, 23 January 2014 05:00 Written by Hajiya Bilkisu (mni) We did some meandering through the GRA in Zaria and as we turned near the Polo ground, Quranic recitation from the loudspeaker filled the air. It confirmed that we had reached the event venue, a spacious courtyard with ongoing construction work all around it. The Islamic Movement of Nigeria organised a week of activities tagged Unity Week to mark this year’s Maulud. The events all took place at the Hussainiyah Baqiyatullah Centre in Zaria. It was attended by thousands of youth from all walks of life. Among them were leaders of Muslim youth and women’s groups from various communities, professionals, members from the organised private sector, clerics, teachers, scholars and housewives. There was an impressive turnout of women along with their children. The resource persons were leaders of Islamic groups, scholars, opinion leaders from various states and neighbouring countries. They presented papers on diverse topics. One of the resource persons was Sheikh Hassan Saleh from Makurdi who made a presentation on the obligation to love the Ahlul Bayt, pure and direct progeny of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The scholar expressed happiness with the increasing numbers of sincere lovers and followers of the Ahlul Bayt in Nigeria under the spiritual guidance of Sheikh Zakzaky. He said it was a sign of the eventual reign of the Household of the Holy Prophet across the entire globe as was foretold. With specific reference to the sixth Imam of the Ahlul Bayt, Imam Jafar As-Sadiq (AS), Sheikh Hassan said the life of Imam Sadiq (AS) was exemplary, a perfect personality. He symbolized a quality that runs through the lives of all the Imams after the Holy Prophet (S). He said, Imam Jafar As-Sadiq represents the Fountain of Knowledge through whom the school of Ahlul Bayt spreads its teachings throughout history. Sheikh Hassan stated that, the love of Ahlul Bayt is incumbent on all Muslims in view of the apparent numerous Qur’anic verses and authentic hadith in the hands and shelves of the people. “If Companions of the Holy Prophet can be given unreserved forgiveness and acquired special position before Allah, as specified by some traditions, what more can we say of the Ahlul Bayt”, he asked. The Islamic scholar also said, Imam Ali who by all standards exemplifies the highest position of human conduct, virtue and knowledge should have been given his rightful position in Islam by this Ummah despite all distortions and fabrications. He therefore called on Muslims to hold on to the teachings of Ahlul Bayt to achieve true salvation in the hereafter. Responding, Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H) described the demystification of the Ahlul Bayt as a calculated attempt to wipe out their remembrance, as well as to suppress agitation for their rightful place in Islam. He said, there was a time in history when outward expression of love for Imam Ali (AS) was met with death sentence or brutal action. He pointed out that, despite numerous Ahadith in books indicating the virtues of Imam Ali (AS) as the barometer between truth and falsehood, and flag bearer of light and learning, all these were hidden. Sheikh Zakzaky said, the true teachings of the Ahlul can never be wiped out, saying that it is now time for re- awakening of the soul for eventual perception of the real position of Ahlul Bayt as the Ark of Salvation. In his presentation titled The Role of Youths in Changing the Society, Honourable Justice Aliyu I. Ardido the Chief Judge of Area Court Saminaka, Kaduna State, started by extolling youths. He said ‘Religion is proud of you due to your God-given potentials’. He further cited a hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) ‘there are seven groups of people who will be under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment, and among them is a youth who spent his life on the path of devotion to Allah.’ He explained that youths are the Forces of Change as they were the few people who answered the Call of the Prophet at an early stage in his mission and Islam benefited immensely from the contributions of the youths, he noted. He commended what he saw during this year’s Arbaeen symbolic trek where hundreds of thousands trekked to Zaria from all directions. He said with what he saw there is hope for the Muslim ummah. He lamented that the current situation facing the Ummah need a change and can only be achieved with participation of the youths. Speaking on the problems facing Nigeria he said, people are now enslaved while their wealth is cornered by few selfish individuals. He warned that success can only be achieved through knowledge, training, qualitative leadership and submission to that leadership. Justice Aliyu Ardido said a qualitative leadership is the one which guides to the right path. A leader is already present in the person of Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky, he said. He called on the people to continue seeking for knowledge. In his remarks, the leader of the Islamic Movement in Nigeria Sheikh Ibraheem Zakzaky said in every society people can be grouped into three: the children, the youths and the old. However, it is the youths who always face daunting challenges. The old have already got what they want, so they are more concerned with protecting it- be it wealth or power; though not all people of old age get what they want. Speaking on the role of Youths in protecting the religion, Sheikh Zakzaky highlighted the role played by young Imam Ali (AS) during the battle of Handak. He said ‘it was the encounter between the whole of disbelieve (Kufr) and the whole of Islam, as the Prophet (SAW) tagged the encounter between Imam Ali and Amr bn Abd Wodd during the Battle of the Ditch. The young Imam Ali saved Islam by killing Amr there by killing Unbelief.’ The Sheikh said in order for the Ummah to be liberated from the vicious clutches of poverty and disgrace, people have to make sacrifices. The Sheikh stressed that the capability and determination to achieve success in life has more to do with one’s relationship with Allah and not necessarily numbers or other extraneous factors. It is only God who grants success and when He gives it none can take it away. Sheikh Zakzaky concluded by saying that the period of adolescent is the most important and as such ‘it should be spent in seeking knowledge and devotion to God and all actions must be done for the sake of Allah alone. He is the One Who grants success, while to die in the course of a struggle is never by accident; it is preordained by Allah’.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:24:06 +0000

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