REF: SGMJJ/HSCU/PR/3326 - TopicsExpress


REF: SGMJJ/HSCU/PR/3326 24TH OCT, 2013 QUEEN OF ENGLAND AND HER SO-CALLED COMMON WEALTH The Queen of England is the Head of State of the United Kingdom. She is also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England and the highest authority of the British Common Wealth of Nations, a gathering of so-called former British colonies. As the head of the Church of England, her authorization is vital to the development, dissemination and review of its doctrines. In other words, millions of people across the world pray to God under the auspices of the Church of England in subservience to Queen Elizabeth’s whims and declarations on theology and divinity! What an absurdity! England and the entire UK grew rich on account of deceit, robbery and pillage perpetrated by trained agents of the British crown. The use of religion and violence was primary to the worldwide success of the rampaging subjects of the British monarchy against the rights and privileges of simple and easy-going native societies located thousands of miles away from Britain. Bible-clutching British missionaries formed part of the evil trinity that striped indigenous people of their land and liberty to the humungous enrichment of the British monarchy and, of course, to the prosperity of Britain. The Church, Military Generals and Rogue-Merchants invaded places like Africa, killing, looting, lying in the name of God. Basically, the British soldiers, merchants and missionaries who burnt, murdered and deceived innocent natives off their land and liberties acted on instructions given by the head of the British monarchy. The Queen Elizabeth II’s predecessors sanctioned and defended the gruesome shipment of millions of innocent Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to chattel bondage in the Americas. Recognized as the worst crime against humanity that the world has ever experienced, the lifetime enslavement of African innocents by British authorities catapulted Britain and its royals to astronomic heights of affluence and crashed the fortunes of the homelands from where the enchained black men, women and children were extracted with guile, brute force and arson. Queen Elizabeth inherited a criminal legacy of sustaining the British Empire with the freedom, sweat and blood of non-Europeans, particularly Africans! Queen Elizabeth II was and still is the colonial head of many territories across the world seized from their indigenous owners by her devious agents. She was the final authority in the decision-making processes of granting independence to such territories. Over half a century after the so-called ex-colonies celebrated their freedom from British rule, most of them are still as wretched as they were under British bondage. Others like Nigeria have fallen to far worse levels of destitution and dis-orientation! How possible is it for a wicked and greedy monarchy that grew rich on account of robbery, brutality and slaughter to turn its back on the source of its opulence? How genuine is the independence granted by Buckingham Palace to British colonies in Africa? How much freedom has the independence given by European powers to African colonies actually availed Africa? A statement by a representative of the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (N.C.N.C), Magnus Williams, at the fifth pan-African Congress held in Manchester in 1945 and headed by W.E.B Dubois, indirectly answers these two questions. The statement ran as follows: The Colonial Office has always told us by words and implication that there is a happy land; and we have always answered far, far away. . . Britain says that every wealth in the Nigerian ground must come to them. While the people of Nigeria are contributing to revenue, the sons and daughters of rulers reap the benefit. We must do our best to right these wrongs. The task of righting the wrongs of Europe’s colonization of Africa was encapsulated in the vision of unforgettable Africans like Kwame Nkrumah and George Padmore when they conceived the idea of setting-up a pan-African organization to address the pressing challenges of the African continent. The Organization of Africa Unity (OAU) was a product of the passion of these courageous, visionary and hard-working pan-Africanists. Now known as the African Union (AU), the underlining vision and principles on which OAU was built have been shamelessly compromised for handouts from Europe, America and lately, China! The Queen Elizabeth II heads the modern world’s largest slave system known as The British Common Wealth of Nations. So-called former colonies of the British crown constitute this notorious system that keeps promising its over-worked slaves better life in the name of God and by the authority of Queen Elizabeth without ever fulfilling the vow! The Church of England as a British institution headed by Queen Elizabeth II claims allegiance to God! How Godly is the English Queen? For several decades, Queen Elizabeth II was head of an ultra-evil group of women known as The Nine Women of Negativity. These women sat on the destinies of nations, denying them freedom and progress by depleting them of their light-bearers. They spiritually manipulated the world to deliver its gems to their feet, causing anguish across the constituent classes of vulnerable societies with their broad array of mainly female agents scattered across prime geographical targets like Africa as young, high and low-class women. The Nine Women of Negativity was actually made-up of the following women prior to Satguru Maharaj Ji’s termination of their hold on world with the support of the cosmic masters of light and also with the backing of His stoical devotees. They are: Queen Elizabeth II of England; late Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan; late Mariam Babangida (Nigeria); Bunmi Banuso (Nigeria); Elizabeth Toro (Uganda); Ngozi Njemadu (Nigeria); Kikelomo Soyemi (Nigeria); Nfon Abasi (Nigeria); and late Margret Thatcher (UK). As head of the British Common Wealth of Nations, Queen Elizabeth II exercises immense influences on the fate of member-States, influences whose actual intentions are disturbingly widespread across Africa where the spiritual implications of being subservient to the authority of the British Head of State is not common knowledge. The British monarchy has a bloodline that is historically immersed in the murky waters of evil! Described in some quarters as an outdated, expensive, useless mess, the monarchy is organized in such a way that the transfer of the United Kingdom from one monarchical headship to another does not suffer any compromise of its demonic underpinnings. Americans know better not to have their country’s fate in the hands of the face-shifting head of Buckingham Palace. The United States of America was colonized by Britain but isn’t a member of the British Common Wealth of Nations. Washington was certainly not being foolish by isolating America from that organization. What is the wisdom behind the dis-interest of the US in being part of the British Common Wealthy of Nations? Nigeria and other African countries need to find out for their own good. Americans know better that spiritual liberty is indispensable to the physical prosperity of nations. No nation or empire has ever thrived in a vacuum of high-level spiritual power! Britain is headed by a monarch whose past and closet are capable making shocking headlines across the globe. No wise nation that knowledgably aspires to be great renders itself subservient to the dictates of another country. Britain still dictates the ebb and flow of most member-States of the British Common Wealth of Nations. Africa in this regard is a most pathetic case where, in places like Nigeria and Ghana, ignorance of Queen Elizabeth’s actual personality avails her much respect and reverence among political and business leaders! Britain needs the wealth of other nations to survive. Britain has been affluent for centuries and is still very rich because the nations that its parasites on have not woken-up to realize themselves! Ignorantly Britain falsely believes that the awakening of the consciousness of such unfortunate nations is the beginning of the end of its prosperity and power, Buckingham Palace is constantly at work both physically and spiritually against them to ensure that they never tread philosophical and ideological paths are capable of leading them to real enlightenment and genuine emancipation. In one of his many highly educative articles, late Kwame Nkrumah stated thus: ‘The neo-colonialism of today represents imperialism in its final and perhaps its most dangerous stage. Old-fashioned colonialism is by no means entirely abolished. It still constitutes an African problem ... . The essence of neo-colonialism is that the State which is subject to it is, in theory, independent and has all the outward trappings of international sovereignty. In reality its economic system and thus its political policy is directed from outside. Neo-colonialist control is exercised through economic or monetary means. Control over government policy in the neo-colonial State may be secured by payments towards the cost of running the State, by the provision of civil servants in positions where they can dictate policy, and by monetary control over foreign exchange through the imposition of a banking system controlled by the imperial power’. Do these lines not capture the prevailing order in Nigeria and Africa today? How come despite all the development promises made by the head of the British Common Wealth of Nations to its African members, penury and destitution still run high in those countries? The simple answer is that like the IMF and World Bank, the British Common Wealth of Nations was not designed to empower or enrich territories from where Europe extracts wealth. The enrichment of such countries is totally suicidal to the comfort, stability and prosperity of Europe and the entire Western global power establishment! Therefore, in order to exit the trap of perpetually looking-up to selfish, deceitful and racist Western powers for redemption from destitution, African nations must drop all their illusionary beliefs in Western benevolence and retrace their steps to their roots. The re-birth of Afrocentrism in its cultural, spiritual and intellectual dimensions is the key to Africa’s successful liberation which the British Queen and her Common Wealth actually stand against! MY LOVE AND BLESSINGS. SATGURU MAHARAJ JI The Camel of Life
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 11:42:00 +0000

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