REGARDING THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT...MY EXPERIENCE - PLEASE SHARE... So, we had Blue Cross Blue Shield.. and then Obamacare takes effect and we start getting these frantic letters from our insurance guy, telling us to go the BCBS site to look at our new options right away before the law takes effect and were left without coverage. We go. We look. Were devastated. Way less coverage, WAY higher copay, and - literally - a monthly payment that will bankrupt us. We go to the ACA website to cross-reference, but it was down... So, weeks of panic ensued as our insurance agent continued to email us, telling us not to even bother with the ACA site, when are we gonna hurry up and sign with him, etc etc.. Well then they fix the site, we log in, and guess what? Are you sitting down?.. Because this is a shocker - OUR INSURANCE REP LIED TO US. A LOT. Turns out I was not only eligible for (and now enrolled in) an AWESOME plan with WAY more coverage (esp in the all-important lady areas, myself being a lady..), and MUCH lower out of pockets than before Obamacare, Im also eligible for some subsidies that have knocked $250 OFF of my monthly payments. So um, could I keep my old coverage if I wanted to? Turns out I couldnt. THANK GOD. The lesson of the story is - if someone starts hollering about how their coverage is so much worse now, find out if they listened to the greedy, corrupt, grasping, evil, dishonest filthpots that work for the greedy, corrupt, grasping, evil, dishonest filthpot insurance companies, and were stupid enough to blindly sign up for whatever garbage was shovelled over them, or if they took the time and had the patience to go through the ACA website. Which is awesome. As is Obamacare. Mr. President, my body (especially my uterus and ovaries!) thanks you! MWAH!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Dec 2013 14:21:00 +0000

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