RESTORATION BANQUET SERVICE Call To Worship Psalm - TopicsExpress


RESTORATION BANQUET SERVICE Call To Worship Psalm 102:1-21 Pst Emmanuel Agi WALKING IN FINANCIAL DOMINION Part Three Whatever has swallowed up your blessings today they shall vomit them in Jesus name. Psalm 102:13 When your time comes you cannot be denied or stopped! Exodus. 3:21 Favour forbids & terminates emptiness! Pray...Lord whatever has swallowed up my blessings& whatever Ive lost - lord I recover all in Jesus name. RESTORATION : restoration is as old as the beginning. The entire episode of creation was a restoration banquet by God. Genesis 1:1-2 After this service today everything about your life shall be very good in jesus name. Restoration is about putting back into the former covenant position of wealth, financial dignity! Restoration is from restore meaning bringing back to original state...lack to abundances...curses into blessings! Whatever was not so with you in the beginning requires a restoration! We serve a God of times & seasons. Ecclesiastes 1:3; joel. 2:21-23,25 Whatever youve lost, eaten or forcefully taken from you God is saying to you - I will restore in Jesus name. Youll never know shame in Jesus name. It is the program of God for restoration for the church in the last days - the last days began from the upper room! Prophets are agents of restoration. Hosea 12:13 In the seasons of restoration God sends prophets who are agents of restoration to his people. You dont go to school to become a dont learn to be a prophet - prophets are called & elected by grace. Luke 4:24-26 God sends prophets in seasons to bring restoration to his people & it is also a fact that prophets are not acknowledged in their countries. This morning broken homes shall be restored, shattered careers shall be restored - whatever the devil has stolen from you there shall be a restoration for you in Jesus name. Amos 3:7 It is what is pronounced that God confirms. Banquet - means : pick whatever you want for free! Anything that shall be lost to you this morning youll pick for free in Jesus name. Anyone in the value is bouncing up to the peak in Jesus name. One of the factors for the means of the year is restoration! This week will not be an ordinary week for you in Jesus name. ########################### Proverbs 4:20 Unto those that find them - not unto those that read or study them! It is not having everything that we call dominion it is never being stranded that we call dominion! Being on top of any financial condition! Dominion is as the need arises theres solution on ground to meet the need. The word financial has to do with money! Somebody here will never be stranded again in their life in Jesus name. There will not be a need to pay a bill & you wont be able to pay it in Jesus name. By this anointing the needs shall be supplied in Jesus name. Most people dont want to hear money in church! Poverty is not Gods will for need money to pay bills & serve God! Money is neutral it takes on the shape of the owner! When unbelievers make money evil increases. The bombs theyre using are brought with money! Please lets come out religion & walk in reality! Money!!! You have need of it - stop pretending not to need it. In as much as money is a medium of exchange money has a spiritual root. Hebrews 11:3 The things we see physical have spiritual roots - including money because money is part of the systems of the world! Money has a spiritual root - our sevenfold inheritance in christ gives us access to financial dominion. Revelation 5:12 You can be poor & go to heaven - if that is your choice because the poor cannot cease from the earth! Rich people are the friend of God - those who are rich & born again eg Abraham! The wealth of heaven cant be compared with anything on earth! God needs one thousand years to change your mentality from poverty to wealth by the second coming of you wont go to heaven & misbehave - call it re-orientation! Money has a spiritual root & as a result can be spiritually attacked! Financial dominion implies having command over money. Jacob had command over money in time of famine. Genesis 43:12-15 In the time of famine Jacob was boxed up - thats our Covenant father the God of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob! John 6 When jesus had a need to feed five thousand people he said go & buy! Money has a spiritual root & as such will always obey spiritual command. The attack on the resources of Job had a spiritual undertone. You need to reinforce your obedience to ward off spiritual attack. Job 36:11 if they obey. Isaiah 1:19 willing & obedient. John 2:5 do it! Many peoples financial resources have ran out - if you want to be in charge you need to obey! Until something leaves your hand nothing can come to you! The seed of the breakthrough you desire is in your hand. The blessing youre looking for can be accessed when you sow your seed - in your seed is your blessing! Obedience puts you in charge of financial dominion! Money answers to spiritual command! You dont get money by prayers because it is not a promise. Whatever he tells you to do in your lack do it...he didnt say pray it or preach it but do it. Something must leave your hands to get whats attainable to you in heaven. Luke 6:38 men...not shall angels but men! money is carried in the pockets of men - it doesnt have legs to walk! People carry money - thats why how you treat people determines how youre blessed. Some people are praying for financial blessings & are rude to customers! Man is naturally selfish - no man will give to you except theres a command. When youre living a life of obedience when you need it - it comes! If what transpired between the widow & Elijah happened now many will curse the prophet! Church say with me...Money has a spiritual root, it answers to spiritual commands & cant be attacked spiritually - the attacks can be warded away by obedience. THE WISDOM PLATFORM TO COMMAND FINANCIAL DOMINION Wisdom : knowing what to do in any circumstance & doing to get the required results. John 6:5-6 Knowing what to do at every situation - that is wisdom. Wisdom is putting Gods word to work as a lifestyle. Matthew 7:24 Wisdom is the custodian of wealth as illustrated severally in scriptures. Proverbs 8:19 You cant have wisdom & not have riches. We have many expired big men! Your riches will be enduring ones in Jesus name Wisdom guarantees enduring riches. God is the custodian of the wealth of the universe - theres a connection between wisdom & wealth. Jude 25; haggai2:8 The gold in ghana, the diamonds in south Africa etc are Gods. Psalm 24:1 The entire world - everything in it including you belong to the only wise God!wisdom is synonymous with wealth - Solomon the wisest was also the wealthiest in bible stories. 1kings 4:30-31 1kings 4:22-28 the wealth of Solomon & his daily provisions! The truth is that we have a lot of work to africa as africans we grew up with poverty mentality - we need God to renew our minds so we can learn to chop life! Everybody wants to chop life & have the best things of life. *wisdom does not only reveal what to do but shows you how - the approach to give! Herbrews 11;4-5 *you give willingly : Dont give as if youre coarsed to! Dont be frowning - give out smillingly! Your giving must be done cheerfully! *give sacrificially: It is never convenient to give at anytime. 1samuel 24:24-25 *give tirelessly. How Does God Blesses Ecclesiastes 10:15 1. Divine ideas: Malachi 3:10 One idea thast God will give you wull launch you to your world. No idea will come to you from God he gives you the capacity to actualisse 2. Parental blessings: Genesis 24:2-4; ephesians 6:1-2 We teach people to be responsible here. Many are driving four cars in the city & their parents are suffer. One blessing from the heart of your parents can open up your destiny. Your father can disown but you cannot disown them. You can change your name but not your father. Remember your father & mother - dont eat all you have alone! Some even beat their parents - youre slapping your destiny. Please honour your parents. 3. Works of our hands: Psalm 1:1-3; job 1:?-10 Whatever youre doing is blessed if youre not doing anything find something to do. Do something...dont just be a student! 4. Divine favour: When God favours you he blesses you...Somebody is favoured this mnon 5 priestly blessing: Your blessings are in the hands of your pastor by Gods ordination...Youre blessed in jesus name...Wherever you turn youll never stranded. Be blessed in the city, field - in your going out & coming youre blessed. Your storehouse is blessed, children, your family are blessed in Jesus name. Little effort youll see great results in Jesus name. Psalm 23:3 The anointing is an instrument for empowerment! Theme of the week Haggai 2:9... (My latter glory shall be greater than my former). Youll not have a better yesterday!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 11:20:56 +0000

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