RIGHT! Bit of a delay in posting, so Im just going to put up some - TopicsExpress


RIGHT! Bit of a delay in posting, so Im just going to put up some general thoughts for the last week or so. The general split Im running is as follows: 2 weeks heavy (harder runs, higher intensity rides, heavier weights) 1 week volume (longer runs, longer rides, high repetition weights) 1 week deload (heh. Sort of a deload) Ive just finished the first cycle- the deload ended on Saturday with a full day off. Sunday was a 3 hour trail run, all single track, hilly terrain. Averaged about a 12:30 according to the GPS, though given the trees etc. it may have been faster. Being in the shade made it MUCH easier to last the duration- legs felt great, pace was excellent, and truthfully didnt even feel fatigued when it was done. Today was originally meant to be just squats and deadlifts, but since I didnt do my volume bench day last week, I threw in some bench work. It ended up becoming a bit of a full body day, but mentally I needed to know I could perform after a long run day. It looked like this: Squats: bar x 10 x 3 135 x 6 225 x 4 315 x 4 405 x 2 495 x 2 545 x 1 565 x 1 605 x 1 - felt good, maybe 85-90% effort, bottomed out. 495 x 2 405 x 4 x 2- 4 second pause Deadlifts- no belt: 135 x 4 225 x 4 315 x 2 405 x 1 495 x 1 585 x 1 635 x 1 655 x 1- this absolutely flew up- felt good for another 50 pounds or so. RDLs: 405 x 10 x 3 Bench press: bar x 12 x 3 135 x 6 225 x 4 315 x 2 365 x 1 405 x 1 (comp pause) False grip- speed work: 245 x 3 x 5 Finished with hanging leg raises, dumbbell laterals, and a 2 mile recovery run (first mile 10:00/mile, second mile 6:00/mile). Takeaways: 1) I effectively totaled 1660, easily, the day after a 3 hour run in 90 degree heat. This is tremendously encouraging. 2) I suck at maintaining a recovery pace. 3) This program is working well- NOTHING hurts today, which is amazing. Concerns: 1) Running mileage- I simply cannot get in the needed miles during the week unless I go to the trail- the heat and the sun are simply too much- Im going to need to really maximize those weekend runs and use cycling/squatting to maintain a level of leg fatigue. 2) Hip- it felt good on squats today, but it comes and goes. 3) Beer- I appear to be out.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 01:20:24 +0000

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