RIGHTEOUSNESS MAKES US MASTERS OF EVIL IF we can enter the - TopicsExpress


RIGHTEOUSNESS MAKES US MASTERS OF EVIL IF we can enter the Throne Room without fear, if we can stand in His presence without fear, then we know that we are His Righteousness in Christ and that we are masters of all evil. Satan and demons knew Jesus. They knew who He was, and they knew what He was. They knew also that Jesus was aware of who He was. Satan and demons know who we are, but ofttimes we ourselves do not know. Jesus said, I came out from the Father. We can say, We know we are born of God and that whosoever is born of God overcometh the world. Have you ever realized what it means to come boldly to the throne of grace? Have you ever realized what it means for us to be able to stand in the Fathers presence today as Jesus did in His earth walk? Do you know that we have as much a right to be free from Sin Consciousness as Jesus was in His earthly ministry? If we can stand in the presence of the Father without the sense of inferiority or sin, we are masters of every force and power of hell. Satan is defeated. When we know we are His Righteousness and know it as Jesus knew who He was, we will not fear evil, we will not fear any disease, we will not fear the lack of money. We will know we are absolute masters over every power of the Enemy. We will know that Phil. 4:19 is ours. And my God shall supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. There will be no worry about our finances. We will simply call His attention to our needs and they will be met. Jesus said, Your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things. But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. We have sought His Righteousness and have found it. We have become His Righteousness in Christ. Righteousness means the ability to stand in the Fathers presence as though sin had never touched us, with the same liberty and freedom that Jesus had with the Father in His earth walk. When we confess the Lordship of Jesus, it is not only His Lordship over us but it is His Lordship over all evil through us and by us. The moment we make this confession, we are one with Him. We are His representatives in the earth. We are acting in the Name of Jesus. In His Name we are masters. In His Name we are conquerors. In His Name we dominate circumstances and evil forces. When we recognize His Lordship over us, it is His Lordship through us. It is His Lordship in our words, so we can say, In Jesus Name, demon, leave that body. We can say to that disease, T.B. in the Name of Jesus Christ, your Master, leave that body, and it will leave. We are masters because He is our Master. And as our Master, He is working through us. He is lording it over the forces of darkness through us. We have become His Righteousness by receiving Eternal Life, the very nature of the Father. The moment that becomes a reality to us, we become overcomers. Demons will fear us even as they feared Jesus. How many times they must have said, If that man knew his authority, he would send us off into the abyss. But he did not know his authority! He was praying for faith. He was trying to get power. He was fasting and crying and pleading with God to give him something that he already possessed. He had the authority. He had the ability to use that authority. But he did not know it! We have become as He was in His earth walk. He became as we were to the end that we might become as He was, and now is. By the New Creation we are branches of the Vine, members of His body. As He is, so are we in this world. He is a New Creation-so are we. He is the Righteousness of God-so are we. He is an heir of God-so are we. He is Master of the underworld-so are we in His Name. As He has fellowship with the Father-so have we. As He had authority in heaven and on earth-so in the Name of Jesus we have authority in heaven. We can say to that T.B. case, In Jesus Name, demon, leave that body. At once the Word goes forth in heaven, and that man is delivered instantly. Jesus had all authority given to Him after He arose from the dead. He did not need that authority for Himself. That authority belongs to His body, the Church. So we have the right to exercise this authority in doing the work that He began to do, and left us to carry on. He said, Greater works than these shall ye do; because I go unto the Father. The moment He sat down at the right hand of the Father, He empowered the Church to go and do the kind of work that He was doing before His crucifixion. He has all wisdom, and He is our wisdom. He has authority. We are one with Him to use that authority to glorify the Father. Two Kinds of Righteousness
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 05:00:00 +0000

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