RUSSIA HAS MATERIAL EVIDENCE ON MH17: WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE MEDIA It would appear that #Russia has material evidence already that the #Ukraine authorities are likely responsible for the #MH17 atrocity. zerohedge/news/2014-07-21/russia-says-has-photos-ukraine-deploying-buk-missiles-east-rader-proof-warplanes-mh1 So the real question is what to expect from the mainstream media? After all, they are the gatekeepers of truth for the public at large. First and foremost do not expect an unbiased court of opinion (seriously you were expecting that?). The agenda of the mainstream media is to blame Russia and they will most likely bend reality to achieve this. And reality is very pliable. More than likely we will see a parade of highly emotional stories. Detailing the family tragedies, the funerals, the orphans. By focussing on emotive stories they infer that there is no evidence to discuss. Furthermore, expect to see a lot of question marks in headlines: Is Russia responsible? What could the Ukraine government have done to prevent this disaster? Is Putin hiding something about MH17? A question is technically not a statement, but to the illiterate reader it might as well be one. Once the story has fallen off the front pages expect a drip-feed of very boring, very technical, very meaningless stories. Stories still full of question marks - but as always, to the wrong questions. Whether Ukraine is responsible or not, the average reader will be left with the latent impression Russia is somehow to blame. #украина #руина #укропия #страна404 #ukraine #BoeingCrash #MalaysiaAirlines #boing #боинг #авиакатастрофа #boing777 #mh17
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 09:55:58 +0000

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