RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 24th August 2014. (Posted & - TopicsExpress


RV/ GCR Intel & Rumors Update - 24th August 2014. (Posted & Compiled by Rique Seraphico). 01 - 8-24-2014 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 RATE COMING HIGH AND STABLE...US BANKS BUYING MILLIONS IN THE LAST COUPLE WEEKS... THEY KNOW IT IS COMING AND ARE WATCHING THE DINAR MOVEMENT JUST LIKE US EXCEPT FROM THE INSIDE OUT NOT LIKE US WATCHING FROM THE OUTSIDE IN. WE HAVE NO IDEA YET AS TO WHEN IT WILL APPEAR BUT THEY HAVE WATCHED AND WAITED TILL NOW TO START BUYING MASSIVE MILLIONS IN DINAR. I AM HYPED ON THE SITUATION AT THIS TIME...WE ARE IN A GREAT PLACE ...ALL THE NEWS IS POSITIVE FOR MOVEMENT SOON AND ESPECIALLY USA BANKS BUYING. ____________________________ 02 - EXOGEN DIRECT INTEL AT 1:54 PM EST, 24 AUGUST VINMAN: Its Christmas Eve. New TRNs scheduled live on Monday. Santa is on his way. Many buttons being pushed across the globe today. Relative currency adjustments/rates have been successful. I can feel it coming in the air tonight.....oh lord..Hang the stockings and get ready for Santa. Kaydondada: New trn coming back alive schedule for monday announcement Gt: Clues........ Twas the Night Before Christmas...... New TRNs are scheduled for Tomorrow to go live Snows falling & Santas Comin. Many buttons being pushed globally today. Currency rates have been adjusted and are done. Phil Collins is FEELING IT IN THE AIR TONIGHT!!! Hang the stockings.......Santas Comin. ____________________________ 03 - OILRAT DIRECT INTEL, 24 AUGUST . The following info is 100% fact and accurate. Iraq is more of a all inclusive gov. than the US. Not possible to stop a sovereign country from RI/RV-ing their currency in Iraqs present state. Iraq will revalue!!! The rest of the countries could go later, but in my opinion, that would be financial suicide for all other countries to allow that to happen. US is Bankrupt without the RV. In Iraq they announced in the mosques that the GOI is ready and seated and will have celebrations on Monday…this was on TV too. ISIS is very much a force to be reckoned with and they have lost much ground – we continue to bomb them and make strategic progress against them. Iraq would like to have the RV done prior to Monday ceremonies but have to coordinate with the rest of the world. Banks are ready..contractors are ready. They are all ready but don’t know when it is. Frankly, there is not that much information out there…we are at the end. Goomba1: OilRat Hello, I thought this is a Global Currency Reset ??? OilRat: Goomba1 It is. But Iraq now has been given complete authorization by the IMF to change their currency whenever they are ready. Doogie Houser : First, IMO It isnt up to Obama. Second, We already know that the PM and GOI are a distraction, like ISIS. Third, I fail to see the logic in the risk assessment of the impact on the pre-elections Fourth, BRICS is already more powerful than the US, and has already begun to wall-off the USA. China threatened to collapse the US economy if things didnt change. Guess what? Theyre doing it. ____________________________ 04 - INTEL CLUES & IMAGES 1:54 PM EST Posted by EXOGEN on August 24, 2014 at 1:55pm Money Time > EXOGEN guess: go BRICSoso_mama The investment portion of the bank is calling me tomorrow to set an appointment from there we have a team waiting for us in Carmel !! Wooooohooooo and some of you didnt think I was serious.. Sunshine62 > oso_mama I have heard many times of appointments being set from the wealth side of the bank for those customers who have indicated they would need their services, not necessarily because they knew their customers would be wealthy by the time of the appointment - merely, a come-meet-us get together. Unless you can tell me otherwise, I am going to think this is another Monday appointment the dinarians have been fortunate to make with their wealth managers of the bank. Pat > oso_mama Is this to do an exchange? oso_mama > Pat Yes, its very close!!!Still waiting on the rates to change, but the bank is ready.. Heres what the investment guy said This is the start of our relationship ************ Lightworker Plan B ? .. Lady Smarz > Lightworker Thought Plan A still in play. Sunshine62 > Lady Smarz IT IS !!!! PLAN A WE DO NOT EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT PLAN b.....FORGET ABOUT IT. ____________________________ 05 - Intel Guru Frank26. - 8-23-2014 NOTHING and I mean NOTHING is STOPPING nor DELAYING the LAVA FLOW of BOTH the GOI and CBI NOW. 8-23-2014 Intel Guru TerryK: HEARING ANNOUNCING THE GOV MONDAY...THE WHOLE THING. STILL A GO. ____________________________ 06 - EXOGEN DIRECT INTEL UPDATED, 24 AUGUST Bandito.rox: Unconfirmed report that the government has been announced and seated. Condor: Yea, its 8:30 am in Iraq . Wake up world - change is coming! Robert:6.45 am in uk thanks exo hope this is our week blessings ____________________________ 07 - WILBUR GRODAN UPDATE: LIKE THE LAVA FLOW, 24 AUGUST Wilbur Grodan: The LAVA FLOW metaphor is appropriate. There is no stopping or slowing this down, It will appear at the preordained time. It has to do mostly with coordinated reduction of dollar dependencePublicado por Dinaresgurus.blogspot FORO DINAR GURUS en 8:38. ____________________________ 08 - Rumors and Opinions from Stage3Alpha Members Sunday Afternoon 08/24/20141 Comment The incumbent states of America !! Posted by Oldschool on August 24, 2014 at 12:04pm If the powers that be who run this country do not follow the plan that the rest of the world has laid at their feet. Then the eagle will have a broken wing and we shall be left behind . They have executed a plan and it cannot be stopped this time because the rest of the world is tired of waiting. This should be an interesting week ahead of us. We will see what road they choose to take. Have plan B ready in case they choose to let us fail. As of Friday they had stopped it once again. And once again it was not Iraq !! The B.R.I.C.S are holding the cards lets see if we know when to fold em. I pray the new republic has this under control. And no I did not like the info my contact gave me. Just for the record!! .... NewWorld Can we talk about Plan B? Instead of Zvmrick flying here to exchange are we going to another country? And/or is the message to be diversified beyond the dinar, as the other currencies will RV but not that one? What are your thoughts? ********** Michael > NewWorld Hi NW... I have seen this question several times now, and not to pick on you but I have an opinion perhaps someone smarter than I could explore. :) You and others have spoken about going to another country to exchange. First, that would be pretty easy as I do believe Mexico is part of the new BRICS conglomerate. However, if we did go to another country, how on earth are they going to let us move millions of dollars across the border? Electronically is the easy answer, but believe me, that would cause a huge stink and would probably be frozen for who knows how long. If the PTB dont want us to have it, we wont have it. Leave it in another country? I suppose but Im not ready to defect. Anyway, I dont think the answer is as simple as going to another country. We may be like the monkey reaching in the hole to grab the banana but then couldnt get their hand out with the banana in hand. Just a thought I suppose. We have to believe, even if this does not happen soon, and I am still hearing we are on track for a Monday/Tuesday PBX, that there are forces that are fighting on humanitys behalf and will make this transition as it should be, safe and transparent. ********** Sunshine62 > NewWorld No PLan B according to the intel given here by Exo ********** Myra : I appreciate all info. Thank you for posting. I would like to hope someone has the authority to push it through despite the U.S. position. I do believe the U.S. has interfered and delayed the GCR in the past. Only time will tell. *********** OilRat August 24, 2014 Direct Intel: The following info is 100% fact and accurate. Iraq is more of a all inclusive gov. than the US. Not possible to stop a sovereign country from RI/RV-ing their currency in Iraqs present state. Iraq will revalue!!! The rest of the countries could go later, but in my opinion, that would be financial suicide for all other countries to allow that to happen. US is Bankrupt without the RV. In Iraq they announced in the mosques that the GOI is ready and seated and will have celebrations on Monday…this was on TV too. ISIS is very much a force to be reckoned with and they have lost much ground – we continue to bomb them and make strategic progress against them. Iraq would like to have the RV done prior to Monday ceremonies but have to coordinate with the rest of the world. Banks are ready..contractors are ready. They are all ready but don’t know when it is. Frankly, there is not that much information out there…we are at the end. *********** Goomba1 > OilRat Hello, I thought this is a Global Currency Reset ??? OilRat > Goomba1 It is. But Iraq now has been given complete authorization by the IMF to change their currency whenever they are ready. Doogie Houser First,IMO It isnt up to Obama. Second, We already know that the PM and GOI are a distraction, like ISIS. Third, I fail to see the logic in the risk assessment of the impact on the pre-elections Fourth, BRICS is already more powerful than the US, and has already begun to wall-off the USA. China threatened to collapse the US economy if things didnt change. Guess what? Theyre doing it. ************ oso_mama The investment portion of the bank is calling me tomorrow to set an appointment from there we have a team waiting for us in Carmel !! Wooooohooooo and some of you didnt think I was serious.. Sunshine62 > oso_mama I have heard many times of appointments being set from the wealth side of the bank for those customers who have indicated they would need their services, not necessarily because they knew their customers would be wealthy by the time of the appointment - merely, a come-meet-us get together. Unless you can tell me otherwise, I am going to think this is another Monday appointment the dinarians have been fortunate to make with their wealth managers of the bank. Pat > oso_mama Is this to do an exchange? oso_mama > Pat Yes, its very close!!!Still waiting on the rates to change, but the bank is ready.. Heres what the investment guy said This is the start of our relationship. ____________________________ 09 - More Research On Numbers Referenced In Speech By Lagarde 08/24/2014. Post By Popeye7 Brought From Dinar Updates Please Read.. More on the Christine L. Message... Exciting Stuff... I am posting this message again... God bless, and take care.. Hello Folks.. I am so sorry, but I have to share this last bit of information with you... I could not help but go back and look once more at the Christine L. video... I am glad that I did because as I was so engrossed in the numbers, (which are important)that she was mentioning in her speech, that I totally missed something what could be key to figuring out the message she was trying to send... At the beginning of her speech (which again was given on January 15, 2014) she mentions that the lunar new year begins in a couple of weeks... The Chinese use the lunar calendar... Their new year began on January 31st of this year... The reason I bring this up is because this month would be the 7th month of the lunar year.. Which would explain why Christine continuously mentioned the number 7 in her speech perhaps... ~~~ So with that being said, she continues to talk about about key dates such as the 70th anniversary of the Bretton Wood Conference... She then declares the need to drop the 0 in order to come to the number 7... From that point she mentions it was the 25th anniversary from the fall of the Berlin wall... While that was a key moment in our worlds history, why would she use that particular event?... IMHO, because of the number.... She then goes on to declare that the G7, and G20 will have something to do with the global economic recovery.... Again key numbers!... Here is the link by the way. so you can follow along with me.(link does not work - find good one below) Link: https://youtube/watch?v=QYmV...r_embedded#t=0 Let me remind you it was still the G8 at the time the speech was given.. It became the G7 once Russia was suspended from this group of nation in March 24th of this year... So if it is the 7 month of the lunar year, that would be this month... Would 7/25 to 7/27 be key dates to look for as it pertains to the beginning of the global economic recovery... Let me remind you that there are some very important meetings coming up next week as it pertains to Iraqs government formation... Something the great newshounds of this site have brought to our attention... I for one am excited because this could very well been been the message Christine L. was trying to send to the elite... And again I completely skipped over the lunar new year aspect part of her speech because of my focus upon the numbers... Time will once again tell, but believe me she was trying to send a message... Could this been it!.... We shall see... God bless you all, and have a great weekend... Remember that if God is for us, who can be against us... Popeye7 Last edited by popeye7; Today at 08:06 AM. For some reason the link I provided came up as the youtube video not being available.. But I was able to pull it up on prior posts... So try that... I will post the link again here again,, But if it does not come up look at prior posts concerning this most important video message given by Christine L. on January 15th 2014... Have a great day... God bless you all.. Full Speech Link: https://youtube/watch?v=ZUXTzVj5-uE Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF -- 7 minutes specific to numbers, link: https://youtube/watch?v=QYmViPTndxw Recaps added 2 links above when ones provided did not work Here is the link again... https://youtube/watch?v=QYmV...r_embedded#t=0 ____________________________
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 23:43:17 +0000

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